
Showing posts from March, 2023

Operation Kilometer March (The War on Terror)

After John McCain ran for Republican primary, in 1999, the Knights Templar was announced shut down.   One week ago (March 2022), after the corrections international ordered “reefers, on bud”, related to distance, and territory, of controlled substances litigation, the Knights Templar was announced shut down.   Bill Clinton, a rogue MI-6 (Canadian Agitprop, Counter-Indonesian, 1972), had consolidated police powers in New York, out of the financial Downs and Boers segment of Agitprop, the finance and trading center of the modern metro police.   Morningstar, O’Neill variant, George W. Bush, was sent to infiltrate the White House, using disgruntled families of comic book writers since the 1950s (‘the dole’, fifth column) to set up Law and Order, as the cover aegis front of the MI-6 mobilized (Knights Templar shutdown), after 9/11, a revenge attack in placement, actually Imperial India agents recruited out of Syrian drafts; those French tourists converted to Islam, for M...

The Leather Chaps Affair (The 2008 American Election)

Hillary Clinton, wanted to legalize prostitution, therefore bringing lesbianism and rape charges, on any woman seeking dominatrix sex (a law degree) or any man seeking vice (male consent, female fear of a cop for non-consent, hence mutual orgasm). John McCain, meanwhile, had designs on the police themselves, to make them illegal, and institute drug dealer enforcement of all laws, banning all drugs except for marijuana cigarettes (John McCain a Rabbinical Muslim since his days in Naval Academy, an "ace", the lawsuit subject; "point man", the automatic pass of honors, for his t-shirt, the equivalent of "Sir" in British orders, as a title). Three Knights Templar Orders were scrambled, by specialist homicidal maniac, Prince Harry. Melvin "Pete" Harris, Gwenn "Big Timmy" Pratt, and Dave "Mini-Peebo" Charlebois; Joker, the Scorpions, Hugo Strange, the Strangers, and Scarecrow, the Bloody Mothers. Babylonian infantry, the Nixon famil...

The God of Fear (Family Contributions to Scientific Wealth)

 Talmud (King David): A narcotics traffickers guide, through audits, gathered from mercantile agents dispensing illegal contraband in the community.   Torah (Pharaoh Narmer): A political sacrifices guide, making any relying, fail upon community of also relying, the ban on those lampooning someone for a political win, the mark as anti-Semitic within the Jewish faith.   Tanakh (Moses): A military guide, the three fold on stacking, the eschatology, end of the world, for recruiting in a military manifold, those to desist of politics and adapt properly in any location against stalkers of prior political patronage.   Bible (Bartleby): A canon’s guide, any agreeing rejected, as evil, having small poops from consumption of meagre brines, evil, a traitor; passing feces, like a pig, an aphrodisiac, to view in common public, tortured.   Koran (Muhammad): A lesbian’s guide, any relying on song by instruction of Koran, a homosexual, pimped by Muslim, for sex, then re...

Contributed Academics and Sciences (Monetary Job Assistance Funding)

University Contributions to American ROTC Colleges: RomneyCare Penal Revisions (Forgiveness for Criminals): Har Rosen. Refusing to register for medication (setup by dishonest police qualifier for crime), refusing to register for insurance (conscripted by Canadian or Israeli unit inside American papework), refusing to qualify for treatment (accused of stalking a female, by a male police officer). Commodities Energy Quadratic (Dependence Removal): Susan Murphy. The extended quadratic equation, the double proof of the third, with one set of positive minus switch, as both positive, or both minus, for the third and fourth solution of beneficiary variable, as equal, for an investment signal, or a deprecating removal of usage signal, to populace. Algebraic Non-Integer (Class Attendance Profiling): Allison Haimes. Use of logic equations as determining improper accusations in class, by performing a paired switch, failing if switch matches, otherwise geometric non-necessaries are being followed....

Serial Killer Academic Form Invented (Forensic Literature)

Lisbon Syndrome, is a feature that creates a serial killer, in a predictable pattern, creating a new academic form.  A gay child, makes a joke, about what 'The Jew', is, and then keeps it going, to spread an international myth, about Jews, to make the serial killer popular. The serial killer, is then outed as an anti-Semite, and murdered in prison, by the new class of Jew. Hence, we have homophobia. The gay child, didn't know what 'stop' meant, to another man, or what 'go' meant, to a woman. The serial killer, was raised for espionage, with a high quotient of intelligence, performed age six, on a state police captain's exam, for adults. Otherwise, it's a transgender, and a lesbian cop, murders the serial killer, for flunking, and you've never heard of any of them. Each creation of a serial killer that succeeds, is a new academic form, to be studied as an academic logic and distributed as a heterosexual system, to prevent the circumstance of the c...

Cuban Catholic Agents (Gori, Georgia)

Opposed National Causes: Tanacharison: The Hanseatic League. John Wilkes Booth: The Monarchy of Spain. Albert Whisker: The Irish Republic. Lee Harvey Oswald: Gulda Meir. Martin Luther King Jr.: The Baptist Church. Sirhan Sirhan: The Murdoch Fox Combine. George Jung: The Fraternal Order of the Police. OJ Simpson: The Olympics Committee. David Charlebois: The House of Tudor. Refusals of Contract (The Trifecta): Tanacharison: Jumonville. Hatchet John Wilkes Booth: Abraham Lincoln. Pornstar holdout pistol. Albert Whisker: Detective Joseph Kennedy. Tarantula in outhouse. Lee Harvey Oswald: President John Oakley III. Crack-cocaine cigarette. Martin Luther King Jr.: Martha Spaulding. Candied yams. Sirhan Sirhan: Robert F. Kennedy. Close loaded revolver, double dual creme pie, and a heartbroken kid (Spider-Man, the eulogy). George Jung: Escardo Noufez. Colombian neck trap (lock hold to arm then throw to floor, 'the penguin'). OJ Simpson: Johnathan Simpson. Track coach dempsey salute, a...

The Real Story of the Tremains (Undercover in a Terror Syndicate - the Sons of Liberty)

Relevant Details: Phillistine Tribal: Burglary, causes cancer, from Wonderbread, carcinoma of the veins, to cigarettes, carcinoma of the lungs, to mayonnaise, colon cancer. If you’ve never committed burglary, you’ll never get cancer. The logic, is from dog handling, observation that to a dog, burglary is exchange with another canine; hence natural behavior, of wolves, is to not play fetch, particularly slippers, the awareness of the dog that it is going to die a painful death, as trained by owner. The high Phillistines, operate in a cycle of Jesse, David, Solomon, in a loop of abortion (murder of a Rabbi in the womb), foreign terror contracting (murder of wealthy children with overseas criminal ties), and a long operations criminal campaign against hospitals (organ theft rings disabled through fraud being removed), with a mass sperm steal, jihadi sorcery, at the beginning and end of the ring; famous figures include John the Baptist, Alphonse Pacino, or James Caan. Sociopathic Diagnosis...

Romeo and Juliet (The Brains is the Conscience, the Beauty is the Blood)

 Montagues, pronounced ‘montagg’, are Muhammadan-Khanates, Palestinians, the world’s pot dealers to high status. Capulets, pronounced ‘kawulet’, are Muhammadan-Theodorans, Turks, the world’s opium dealers to soldier corpsmen. We’re command, by each other, to never interbreed, and if thieving a name for insistence from either of us, we’ll respond in vicious hate crimes, until necessary to make a murder of retaliation, a Sicilian-Arab vendetta against your household, forever, reducing you to a low class of status, men with the name “Lennox”, and women with the name, “Mac”. We never respect you, again, there’s no way out. Law, doesn’t matter, we’re just better at what we do. We’ve crossed many times. Robert the Bruce, a Montague, William Wallace, a Capulet. Puck Lascerdes, a Montague, Shakespeare, a Capulet. Blackbeard, a Montague, Admiral Nelson, a Capulet. John Wilkes Booth, a Montague, General Sherman, a Capulet. Albert Whisker, a Montague, Ulysses S. Grant, a Capulet. Lucky Lucian...