The Real Story of the Tremains (Undercover in a Terror Syndicate - the Sons of Liberty)
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Phillistine Tribal: Burglary, causes cancer, from Wonderbread, carcinoma of the veins, to cigarettes, carcinoma of the lungs, to mayonnaise, colon cancer. If you’ve never committed burglary, you’ll never get cancer. The logic, is from dog handling, observation that to a dog, burglary is exchange with another canine; hence natural behavior, of wolves, is to not play fetch, particularly slippers, the awareness of the dog that it is going to die a painful death, as trained by owner. The high Phillistines, operate in a cycle of Jesse, David, Solomon, in a loop of abortion (murder of a Rabbi in the womb), foreign terror contracting (murder of wealthy children with overseas criminal ties), and a long operations criminal campaign against hospitals (organ theft rings disabled through fraud being removed), with a mass sperm steal, jihadi sorcery, at the beginning and end of the ring; famous figures include John the Baptist, Alphonse Pacino, or James Caan.
Sociopathic Diagnosis: A sociopath, has committed sexual assault. They operate in terse, harsh, authoritative tones, for control and obedience, using pamphlet logic to operate and function, supported by pedophiles; individuals who move and break and steal information and logic, from abstinence from alcohol and shrimp simultaneously. The Carnegie Institute, traffics in women, as wives, for the Scottish, Confederate, and Korean Presbyterian Churches; the Jewish house of England, the African house of the Greater South, and the South Korean Japanese house of South Korea and Japan. It is necessary for the Carnegie family, to place CEOs who could function through incentive, desire for act, to be placed in low functionary status, after having cleared two overall B+ cumulative GPAs, through five classes, without assistance, for two semesters; if not committing sexual assault, then a comic book writing career is forced, then you are placed in prison, for pederasty, to create editors out of the homeless community, as proles of sheriff’s deputies, for international wife kidnapping to a base location of county necessary to operate near a municipality with business schools of proper pedigree to produce CEOs capable of taking away Carnegie’s base of power outside of the Asian shipping market; producing tuna, at high fisher’s market, the Japanese variety, for Jews, to ameloriate their direct, simplified logic, even in leadership, with the appearance otherwise; deflections, until facts are ascertained, by being lead, the tuna enhancing memory. Otherwise, they are incapable of indirect, circumspect, or lateral logic, and are a slave to repetitive gestures from errors garnered; the same as a sociopath, normally forgiven, but understanding women, one could imagine that this is necessary in marriage, both ways, given the disorder
Chas T. Main: Chas T. Main, is a single class, in Introduction to Political Economy, taught by a professor with military experience, on a particular sector of PhD, relevant to the sitting President’s economic plan on a cycle, a twenty-five year period into the future, to respond to a military crisis. The name was erected by the Boston Phillistines, attached to an empty building in Boston with an incorporated license, and run out of universities through North End Italians, the Jordanians. Assassins set up Whitey Bulger as a gangster, instead of a lawyer of a political family affiliated with the Carnegies and Korean shipping interests out of the Freemasonic Temple of Scotland, rival to the Freemasonic Temple of England, the latter being MI-6 and the British Empire, the former being a Scottish crime syndicate trafficking in crack-cocaine. The label of an organization and roto-call phone system, on an empty building, out of the Carnegie Institute’s accredited college union in their hunting ground, New England, a six-state union of job placement out of state and Ivy League universities and small colleges, guaranteed the comics would come under control of the first buyer, to purge and slaughter the Carnegie Institute, at first hand of their own academic dishonesty; therefore claiming Bulger, through operatives implanted, the downfall of their national interests; the tuna market.
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