The Leather Chaps Affair (The 2008 American Election)

Hillary Clinton, wanted to legalize prostitution, therefore bringing lesbianism and rape charges, on any woman seeking dominatrix sex (a law degree) or any man seeking vice (male consent, female fear of a cop for non-consent, hence mutual orgasm).

John McCain, meanwhile, had designs on the police themselves, to make them illegal, and institute drug dealer enforcement of all laws, banning all drugs except for marijuana cigarettes (John McCain a Rabbinical Muslim since his days in Naval Academy, an "ace", the lawsuit subject; "point man", the automatic pass of honors, for his t-shirt, the equivalent of "Sir" in British orders, as a title).

Three Knights Templar Orders were scrambled, by specialist homicidal maniac, Prince Harry. Melvin "Pete" Harris, Gwenn "Big Timmy" Pratt, and Dave "Mini-Peebo" Charlebois; Joker, the Scorpions, Hugo Strange, the Strangers, and Scarecrow, the Bloody Mothers. Babylonian infantry, the Nixon family, and the anti-Yorks.

Melvin, placed his family trademark, the CIA program myth, "ULTRA", on the UMass-Amherst campus CIA enrolled website, for a USS Pueblo operation, with the myth of inhumane testing on American pot smokers (the standard plan), Gwenn, placed a bondage advertisement through Marvel to be Spider-Man as a pedophile (the comic book slur), and Dave, begun campus pot dealing operations to seize a dormitory's pricing system (the anti-Lutheran investment, the collapsing price crescendo).

At this point, African students, responded out of Salvo House, to a highway run by Hopkinton cocaine dealers.

The system ringed, into the print of Colbert Report, by 4chan, as trolls on SomethingAwful.Com, with all three members, scoring safe, by 2004; written into GTA: San Andreas ("Big Smoke"), given a movie debut as Hitler ("Max"), and a psychotic break that shut down Canadian narco-commerce ("Bickford Schmeckler").

Obama, not being able to resist Stephen Colbert, in 2004, was programmed as John "Saddam Hussein" McCain, but with a popular television show ("satire", a wardrobe malfunction, already developed by Lincoln, a century prior), the split between George Wallace mimicking MLK Jr. not noticed by Hillary (wasted, you think a speech, is transparency, the news), but John McCain thought he was George Wallace (busted, you're wasted); Barack Obama, knew he was George Wallace, but thought he was wasted (wanted stars, you win the Presidency; n00b).

The African gems market, is just the payment, through insured fees by British lenders; already funded, by dominatrix sex, and held in Obama's family, through his mother. As for Israeli urban renewal, it's in the hands of Kenya, India, and North Korea; bondage and domination, for the Non-Aligned Movement, on insured gems and housing, for a growing internet.

The defense industry, practices peace. A woman's bubble buttocks, the reason for signing on.


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