The Court of the Owls (“Lincoln Stinks” {UMass-Amherst #5487, Burbank, “Dave Champlain})
Economic Hitman Movements: EON: Under control of Britain. Marvel: Under control of Disney. Lucas Arts: George Lucas’ pimp contract broken. DC Comics: Lodge family permanently given broker status to Time Warner Cable. Ubisoft: Removed from Comcast care. Nintendo: Given suit from Sega, over stolen work, by Sega, from Nintendo (private agreement, between spouses). Fox: Removed from leadership of Murdochs, given to Irish-Fenian founders (Canadian Aces). Lobster: Given Nova Scotian prisoner’s status (giant shark removed, means unknown). UPenn: Gifted clearesy strategy, Arizona Catholic destroyed forever (SuperMax, shut down, by IDF). Dylan Klebold: Founder of ISIS, liquor rights for Africans and Arabs. “The American”, Red Dawn theme, the Prom Song. Cyberpunk 2077: The Chinese Revolution, “M”, taken from study of Josh Moen, fellow Bruce; mutual Lorre line. Halal: Marlboro Blacks to return Somalia to peace, black pepper bacon for gymnasts and wrestlers, ketchup ham for collegiates. Count...