Target: MI-6 (UMass-Amherst CI)

Please note, this is unavailable, on Canadian records. If you're a real cop, you can check with the United States records. Badge #5487, Burbank.

Charles Manson: Drafted by the Rhode Island state police, to write film, in California, despite never having been east of New Mexico.  Had been arrested, for “looking distressing”, and managed to expel the police officer who did so, in a private court case, covered by the Brighton police log.

Timothy McVeigh: Hypnotized as a CIA agent, age three, the standard age, and given the show “The Smurfs”, by MI-6, to help him with his phobia of Greys, a hypnotic cipher to keep him active and alert in his sleep, giving him nightmares if in contact with an enemy unit instead of breaking under Gestapo interrogation.  MI-6, took over Waco, and after McVeigh shut down the methamphetamine trade through anti-depressents, in the American Southwest, Terry Nichols blew up his contractor’s offices, the Oklahoma Federal Building, in a rage.

Jeffrey Dahmer: Jeffrey Dahmer’s father was a mild mannered accountant, that left the family over Dahmer’s mother insisting on social proximity rules found in Mosleyite English fascist logic, Menonite board gaming and family Christmas tradition.  Jeffrey Dahmer wrote a letter, to his Congressman, and was admitted to Army intelligence, at a college, being raped into epilepsy by an obese woman, then making petty busts and arrests based on small town drinking, jogging, and fashion rules.

Ted Bundy: Ted Bundy, joined an ExSec mission team, to shut down sales of stolen children or stepfamilies to French acting academies, so-called “power of attorney” crimes out of Canada.  An MI-6 Canadian Mounted killed his entire team at a compound, himself late, fleeing in a Volkswagon Bug purchased from his life savings, despite his pregnant wife needing a house for the family after he got his law degree.  He used the manual from “Life”, the board game, and a pack of Tarot Cards as study cards with famous legal subverts and penalties from police of sheriffs thereof, to slowly kill his way through campus defense attorneys (crossfires), MI-6 husbands (killing their wives for being seduced by him, with MI-6 framing their own murders as “carpet deaths”), infiltrating his paymaster to work his phonelines for his campaign for governor (supporting power of attorney theft) while drunk, then seducing two women separately, with fake cubic zirconium wedding rings (real rubies), then taking them to the RTS counselor together to cross them, and being charged with rape and murder when they killed themselves, after testifying they’d raped each other. Spent ten years in prison, with prison guards killing the prosecutor’s division at his college, the MI-6 husbands, the governor’s staff, and the police sheriffs making his final arrest.  Finally, he defended himself in court, cross-examining the MI-6 posing as a sheriff that had killed his team, before escaping and killing three random dominatrixes, to wear manacles, expelling judge’s divorces suits, and was given the “hierophant” card, the anal orgasm and orgasmic teenage nosebleed, the electric chair, reserved for police who steal power of attorney (who are now shot in the woods, as a pedophile, by the next officer to steal power of attorney).


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