In the 1600s, the Amish came to this land of the American New World, to grow marijuana, seeing if a crop could be made, for these new lands. The mill bug (potato), swamp berry (tomato), and the ricen glass (yellow rice), were early products, but none more valuable than hespenrzaeala, a cure for herpes (tobacco). Jews expelled from Europe, given reasons of fraud and culminable graft, in trades of manufacture and talents houses, German laws having changed towards extortion of the poor, were brought over, and married into Accadian families (French Frank), to run these labor plantations, producing rice, tobacco, cotton, and of course, coal and iron, the mines, populated by Scottish slaves, kidnapped at high wager by Spaniards, from the Low Countries, the Netherlands; labeled “Dutch”, for their repressed state beneath Amish, instead of “Hollander”, the preferred term of Clan Lennox’s subjects, the Gentile High Amunsepts of the Middle Kingdom, the Williamsons and the Duke of Orange....