A Brief History of the Mossad and the Israeli-Defense Forces

In the 1600s, the Amish came to this land of the American New World, to grow marijuana, seeing if a crop could be made, for these new lands. 

The mill bug (potato), swamp berry (tomato), and the ricen glass (yellow rice), were early products, but none more valuable than hespenrzaeala, a cure for herpes (tobacco).

Jews expelled from Europe, given reasons of fraud and culminable graft, in trades of manufacture and talents houses, German laws having changed towards extortion of the poor, were brought over, and married into Accadian families (French Frank), to run these labor plantations, producing rice, tobacco, cotton, and of course, coal and iron, the mines, populated by Scottish slaves, kidnapped at high wager by Spaniards, from the Low Countries, the Netherlands; labeled “Dutch”, for their repressed state beneath Amish, instead of “Hollander”, the preferred term of Clan Lennox’s subjects, the Gentile High Amunsepts of the Middle Kingdom, the Williamsons and the Duke of Orange.

These Jews, and the Jewry, their new form having departed Juden, the consideration of crime by Synagoguge, for serving Freemason and Lodge, ran the slave industry, with the help of “mutants”, the Mossad, overseers who relied upon “starchies”, light cinematic tunes produced by “larchmonts”, rogue Bretons making a simplified tale of shame for a Mossad, the Gentile assistant of the “bigot”, the Jewish plantation owner, and his Nubian slaves, the proper term a “Sweet”, an African, after the finch; changed in this way to Latin’s “African”, a prison slave for a bird’s man, a heterosexual man in love with his wife.

This Roman Empire that the Jews had built, had collapsed, with the Civil War, Lincoln tricked through believing himself a Druid, a Scythian of ilk of bloodlines like Joseph Stalin (half a century soon), U’Niall of the Nine Hostages (Sinn Fein, the consumption of liquors and beers in revelry in defiance of social codes), and Shane O’Neill (the Scythian-Manx founder of MI-6, the new body of the bloodlines of all Scythians, from Ireland to Taiwan, the “belt”, their homes of common genome, the “whiskey man”, preferring himself Arab drink; whiskey and juices, perhaps Scottish Bane, the steak and sauce, of Japan, Hokkaido, the Pig Man, dengars; Japanese farmers).

After the end of slavery, there was much consternation, as what to do. Then there became, a Jew had propositioned to the Swedes of Lutheran ilk, the bastard traitors of simplified logic, labeled “witchcraft” in the Catholic Church, later “remedial” by Woodrow Wilson’s school systems, to repress the “common negro”, their logic high and educated, or “sped” by the Irish of Boston and New York, the “grind them into minces”, in the psychiatric system, intended for homosexuals, those who struggled with verdict of grammar (as if performing a like print of simplicity at each time of common notation, variety the spice of life, not the confusion of the thug, the common British soldier of foreign blood serving in an eastern land).

Swedes, Jews, and Germans, in the 1880s, conquered the land of Palestine, claiming it “dry, dull, and empty”, despite being a Jordanian, African, and British passage way, between the Sinai, the Riyadhi, and Beirut, through Jerusalem as a fortress overhead, of marijuana leaves and seeds, for the European countrymen, always favored by Britain and Ireland, but never by the treacherous Freemasons, to be struck as Italian bankers in service against Germany, by MI-6, through Sinn Fein double agents, the ‘passage agent’ between the liquor stores, those dealing whiskey, and the whiskey men, those of Scythian ancestry.

The practice of slavery returned, the Juden coming to prominence in Europe, the Americas, and the Middle East.

Seeking to claim this prize as his own, in the latter days of the Great War, Adolf Hitler rose to power, to sanction all those who played games of chance, to control own banking for independence from family, to be placed in prisons, with the Juden, pamphleteers, ignoring all such cinema and literature and monetary wealth and tradition of family expanding, the things we humans held dear without the Cajun-Jew running us to death as Irish, African, and Manx, in the mines and fields and musician halls of the Deep South.

Hitler, was a Southern Man, indeed

And like any Southern Man, his own reliance on the university, could trick him, by a plan proposed reversed, to kill his very own Juden as criminals and communists and homosexuals, in his own camps intended for his new elite forces. Trapped, by his own Eagle’s Nest, he ran the war strapped to tables and chairs and gurneys, wheeled about to make speeches, lest he refuse his university man’s promise, with many foes, such as his own line of credit, the Freemasons, held at traitor, and MI-6 at all sides, his handler and nurse, Eva Braun, and of course, most treacherous of all, his own police ordering themselves into prison, at finality of act, through Gestapo, the unit formed by Klaus Barbie, a Juden of German anti-Semitism, by conversation with Amon Goeth, the apple picker behind the Juden’s fall in Germany and expulsion into the barren lands of America, for offending the Jewry, long since conquered by Swede forty to fifty years prior, their sacred Jordanian and Italian existences threatened, their new cultural identity.

Then, at summation, Nazi was held at common term to white slaver of the American South, the Jews in secret binding to MI-6’s tale, and the survivors of the German cop units, joined the Swedish in Palestine, to create Israel, for all such fools and morons to serve, as they did with overseers, but now through lawyers, of Scythian ilk, the Latin Queens and O’Neill Kings and Georgians Bandits and Egyptian Pharaohs, ruling, among others.

As for Italy and Jordan, they still bear a fair existence, as Catholic, and Orthodox, the Christian faiths indeed.


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