Stages of Life of a Felon (Bagging Groceries, Dropping Out of College, Ruining Himself in the Press)

Management Theory (How to Shut Down a Business)

Management theory, means the manager, regards you as a piece of baked good, available at the location, demanded to be a manager.

If you take the baked good for free, they'll always try to keep the employee there, as a manager.

However, if you frame someone for taking bread for free, that they paid for, you bankrupt the business.

Even the retarded have done this, anyone does it naturally.

Educational Theory (How to Turn a Rapist Gay)

Educational theory, is that if you perform a theft prank, you are a teacher.

However, if someone frames you, they're a rapist, they turn gay, to whomever the individual framed as victim was.

That's their preferred type of sex, with that individual's worker class context of brief disorder claimed for theft unjust by him or her. In the event of a heterosexual cross in frame, a transgender occurs.

 Publicist Theory (How to Prevent a Frauded Author)

If a company desires it, they can produce a work with deliberate arrangement of secondary liner notes, for diplomacy.

However, if they fraud the author, especially an established one, with theft, conscription, or demand of contract, they go through a Manx cycle, the design of publishing to do so, reversing their liner notes and book, making the book deadly; anyone whose read the book, but hasn't used the liner notes of the book, the private document, kills someone who has used the liner publicist's notes with the book.

First, the Wights, the mobsters coming in at the signal of a stolen work, the legendary author's story taken from the first theft of plagiarism.

Then, the Whites, the bet on the return figure from a misaligned liner, the author write-in.

Finally, the White Power, the movement of the system used on the new author, back around and into the placement as a Wights signal, with the government system used as falsehood, given to the Manx community, as payment.

This is called, Clams Casino, named so by the Jews, indicating that it is allowed to be consumed, but off limits for Jews, in gambling terms of granaried house, a thief's method of diplomacy.


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