Shyster Clan Variants
The Shysters, are a non-registered royal family.
North Koreans, Khanates, Turkmen, Muhammadans, Kurds, Azerbaijinis, Palestinians, Serbians, Cowards, Jacobins, Tudors, Fenians, Dutch Country, Boers, Obeahs, Nigerians, Beninese, Charlies, Charlizes, Charlimeyers, Charleboises, Joliboises, Jamaicans, and Wilkinses.
Those are the major clans sub-names, representing the Kurdish gene.
A "shyst", refers to a knife or blade technique, small, intended to be used as strategy, outside of actual hand to hand.
They are unable to mind-scan, making them more advantageous than other royal clans who turn animalistic and easily trapped when mind-scanning; anyone attempting to scan them for information, a cheat, returns false information and a dualistic return, instead of the non-dualism of the standard Shyster; finally, they can't convert to Islam, with a limbic tendon in the cocyx making the kow-tow impossible but capable of being duplicated, and the sphincter's muscles makes fasting impossible, hence eating disorders do not occur. "Gay Rights", "Nazi", or "Muslim", or other variants of women's culture of ease of indictment, do not occur.
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