Rabe Charlebois

Diane Charlebois

Classically trained masseuse, combat surgeon, and martial artist, with courtesan arts acquired in Japan.  A finesse cook and martial arts trainer, veteran of Delta Blue's MI-6 contract out of Mumbai, through Nepal over-airways into Amsterdam and out of Holbrook, England's Delta Port, "The Marsh".  Married twice, eloped once, always in secret, responsible for the death of her own mother through insistence on salmon instead of ordered steaks, over a grievance between the two over a boyfriend that one of them had and the other took, in a mutual cycle of simultaneous comorbid.  A petty collector of comics, always to contribute themselves to the same trade, as the comic's logo, but a woman.  Inventor of Paul Dini's "Harley Quinn", as Batman, but a woman, to level the playing field for women's men; not ladies' men.

Michael Charlebois.

He has several classes, in business expertise coaching, is a self-educated design process flow consultant, pretends his list of business contacts for shell companies out of India, is the Yellow Pages, and also deals in confidence artist schemes on the families of Freemasons from England, to make them sell shoes, thinking Freemasons are British intelligence (they're French and Russian and Chinese gangsters), and thinking they're the same as the Masons (Skulls, the Gaelic Mossad, out of the South, the anti-lawsuit vigilantes) or the American Lodge (his father's family, anti-British war criminals that sell marijuana for the CIA and MI-6).

Steven Charlebois

Legendary Lawman bandit, "Character Zero", responsible for all the atrocities on American soil during the 60s and 70s, for the Nixon administration, as part of California's deal with the Banditos biker gang to expel the Hell's Angels Canada and Warlocks Ireland chapters of the Mafia from Boston and Klondike, San Francisco, a women's chapter of the Hellraisers, the Boston Wights Front aegis of authorship confidence artistry.  A trained master carpenter by hand of memory, a Marvel contributor by scheme of largesse, a business man and incendiary alcoholic, and a trained knife fighter in Krav Maga, not Kapap, he wears the alias Nicky the Assassin, the Dick Tracy villain, his own anonymous submission to link with the murder of a legendary drill sergeant that specialized in creating gay drill instructors for the Lejeune Gay Rights Movement, for female Marines to have combat technical staff.

Ellen Winston

A banking aardvark, the signal to trap Anatole Marcinault in the Mafia, and INTERPOL, instead of allowing him to betray to the FBI.  Tempted and bidden into the power of the Italian Mafia, the Jewish-Italian linkage to the American Republican Party and their affiliates in Moscow, through KGB defectors seeking Freemasonic profits for their personal incentive of financial motivation.  Flawed in her love of the arts, namely the ability of the arts to kill and slay, with a compulsive trigger switch to use an art or poem in the anti-Sicilian way, a contranon, the murder of a husband of another woman, to gain sexual proliferation of her trade as a banker through the orgasm she experiences in a cooking ceremony of proper catered proportions, at another woman's downfall.  Involved since birth in exploitation of African labor, through Israel, presently patronized by the Trump Foundation.

David Charlebois.

A drug dealer and petty racket contact opposing psychiatric hygiene, patient monitoring, arts theft by major conglomerates, and the Israeli people on grounds of friendly rivalry at warfare in the Lennox Jannissary system to kill anyone who obeys direct print of letter overseas in one of several factions inside Palestine, including Israel or Jordan.  Involved with the AFROTC, Disney, Capcom SDF, and the Mad Pride movement's hub out of Berkshire County, as well as resistance to Providence corrections officers that are constantly scammed by UPenn, Donald Trump's base of operation out of Goldmann-Sachs, the family rival in the O'Neills.  Known to work free of charge, a homicidal personality disorder with a drinking problem and a mutual admiration between himself and psychiatric staff, immune to medication fed through rigorous Confucian meditation and Ninjitsu sauna blackout drops, at least five by age 14, over a three hour period.

John "Jack" Winston

Raised as a duplicate of John F. Kennedy, to be a Presidential assassin, able to take out any politician by moving into an affiliate's campaign by a dating relationship out of the Rossi Family, Clearchannel, WAAF, ESPN2, or other means of access, through family members on the mother's side, not his father's contacts out of England.  Specialist in fraudulent economics, computer wiretapping, and contra-police maneuver, he knows how to move with a pistol, knife, or suit jacket jumpcord, all for assassinations, and specializes in musicians.  Considered to be a happy figure wherever he goes, he is particularly interested in gambling, and once stole his cousin's law enforcement career, so his little brother wouldn't be able to become a US President, desiring the crown for himself; a perfect assassin of United States leaders.

Charles Winston

A vicious and vociferous rapist since his early days, taken under the tutelage of his uncle and his uncle's son, in psychology, developmental windows, dancing and knife play, and proximity psychology.  A pedophile, a false accuser, and a courtroom manipulator, he is beholden to the Saud movement, a man who believes deeply in honor crimes, and holds among his number Mossad, as his press proxy, writing him as movie villains that Jews love, and Lutherans fear, to take the Christian support of Judaism away from Israel.  Specializes in online long range reconnaissance operations, and shuts down snitches and bugs and rats, by placing himself as a primary representative to law enforcement forces as the reporting officer for the informant status, Charles a known child molester overseas in Taiwan on Trump's money, out of Saud and German investitures.


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