SIS BOX (MI-6 Saturnalian Hunts)
Nietzsche devised the basis of Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer and Lion's Gate children's theory, in "The Gay Science". This would prevent Pilate, from killing an SIS, with the choice between killing Barabas, Saturn, or Jesus, Samhain. If a politician acted on a frame, with press, regardless of whom, they bred O'Neill, through a female cop. The thieves society, Freemasons, assisted, with a game of gin, and a rum, a book from a friend of the line.
Kid Icarus: Saladin. Brower. Experience Necessary: Teaching a Down's Syndrome to hide their disorder. Lottery Mathematics. Achievement; Hacking a system with a past defeat of Saladin.
Tecmo Bowl: Mantle. Shropshire. Experience Necessary: Full time job at a grocery store in highschool, with own vehicle and banking access. Commodity Science. Achievement; Movie remakes for own culture of sport for empire.
Castlevania: Bathory. Thompson. Experience Necessary: Observing a fraudulent cycle of suit finance related to prostitution. Notary Law. Achievement: Framing a foe for his own demise as a sheriff.
Witcher: Custer. Bronte. Experience Necessary: Performing an evasion of foreign police to assist own police. Campus Informant. Achievement: Shutting down a public disreputable trade brand with an election.
Resident Evil: Nixon. Bork. Experience Necessary: Identifying the difference between mentally ill, and disabled, in an undercover squad. Banking Law. Achievement: Performing a state police bust on a dirty corporate practice in narcotics.
Metal Gear: Kingfisher. Ibn Tufnail: Experience Necessary: Converting to Islam by refusing the fast and sustaining hazes of your mother's espionage legacy. Energy Supply. Achievement: Inventing a new labor reform lobby to shut down abuse of soldiers and veterans.
Earthbound: Ho. Appy. Experience Necessary: Performing a brutal fraud of innocent expectations to get a more corrosive force to steal the work and eliminate the source logic of the victims you've abused. Computer Science. Achievement: Ending a software patent legacy and creating homeless and starvation, so people trust police officers again, not informed vigilance patrols and parties of Democrats, Republicans, and Swastikas; Piracy ends, the King Returns, Uncle Ho.
Bayonetta: Floyd. Paterson. Experience Necessary: Childhood business venture producing arts, sketches, drawings, and fakes of actual comics, for penny cent orders. Election Fraud. Achievement: Snitching on Hebrew ancestry programs as tracking for police families to kill them, to produce a parody director of German descent.
Pokemon: Tojo. Zhuang Zhi. Experience Necessary: Revealing a national conspiracy in art by performing a financial sabotage of the national backers. Fiction Fraud. Achievement: Arranging a fake war against Japan to cover for international allies shutting conspiracy on own soil.
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