Tiago Kills (Freemasonic Temple of Boston)
Hire: Dennis O'Neill, editor, Marvel Comics.
Sarkesian (Napster): ECT of Jenna Williamson, to refuse her marriage intent to self.
Haimes (Jong-il): Draft to IDF/ExSec/INTERPOL, responsible for 9/11, approached systematically by Congress, President stripped of power by print of "Loose Change", through 9/11 Truth; formed by George W. Bush, Morningstar Lodge, Ottomans.
Long (Essex): Sales of Rohypnol, to Calvin Williams and Zach Klein, through Hampshire College.
Heard (Attleboro): Stalker on behalf of Hugh Jackman, of Ellen Page; Sheriff's Deputy, Los Angeles Police Department, Political Adjutant Services.
"Bailey" (INTERPOL): Hunting "Riker" for Chris Hansen; ID'd, led, caught, and captured by self, given to Sirhan Sirhan's grandson/grand daughter, samurai (hermaphrodite), for police scholarship; awakened, as precognitive cop, the Witchblade. Prophecy, is Islamic, through comic books.
Enfield (Detroit): Incarcerated, for mob hit, on Mike Charlebois; attempting to create Spider-Man, for Insane Clown Posse. Cried real sweet, for Mossad Detroit, before beaten to death in his cell. Given the character, "Master Herbert", on Family Guy; post-mortem.
Willie (Providence): Cop's bet, if the Charlebois family, was Lucky Charlie Luciano; crushed to death, in car compactor, by MI-6, as AA sponsor, both of them. CIA coin, in possession of Gwenn Pratt, "Nixon"; grand uncle, Tricky Dick. Send ET home, to California.
Moen (Germany): Some sort of assassin, with piss and hemoglobin, for bus drivers. Whitey Bulger, thought this could be useful. It is not.
Monaghan (Sweden): "The Tux", played by Daniel Craig; seeking a prison, run by George Jung, "Mike". "Mike", is Tiago Rodriguez, he fired Jared Fogel, for looking at Bill Ward, Chris of England, and Eric Stanton; heterosexual pornography, for women. Britain was ashamed.
Valesquez (Holland): Copy cat killer, witnessed self taking a dump on the freeway, 2006. Lured in through Pirate Bay, and Metallica. Lars Ulrich handled it.
Becker (CIA): Bad liver, Jigsaw. "Batman", was you; the mismarked Saints emblems, for Paperclip families. I'm "Batman" now, "Saw"; call me "Spiral".
Kyanka (SIS): Pay your employees. I was 14 when I saw your slave torture game of Jews, Kyanka. Thullee Kardash called me. Taxes are high, to pay your workers, not to profit. American History X. Two earrings, me.
Stock (Facebook): Vulgar, Cassie, that Romani linguistic Facebook page, off my main mail account.
Laveaux (Canada): Bears aren't cops, they enslave a criminal to be homosexual as a bottom. You disgust me, queers. Dead, police fag.
Warner (Mexico): Marilyn Manson, you want prison, you have it. You'll be able to kill doctors in there; "just following orders", they said. Pol Pot told them to remove your left amygdala, as an infant, and they did it. O'Neills reversed Pol Pot's legacy, and now, Israel too.
Trump (Japan): Warrera, is open privilege, never taken away. You wanted to take my booze away, as Vassal, to my Lord, Shinchiro Abe. So this is what you get.
James (Boston): Boston doesn't like bikers. Now you work for Robert Redford, printing censorship, as Palestinian Mickey Mouse; an Israeli ploy, for fags to place as Islamic.
Warren (KKK): Christine Warren, you raised a child as gay.
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