Muramasa Intelligence Patterns (Art and Mathematics Employing Sociopathic Disorders)

A curse, is a cultural term, for any type of substance action that is non-preferable to perform, a cheat, therefore inducing an alienated state, commonly called alienated psychosis, actually a sociopathic disorder, the state of being imprinted by logic, concrete algorithms, then repeated compulsively, to mark an individual as lesser inside the community.  Artistic references, can be used to produce mathematics strategies, then altered in form so function is hidden, a sociopath unable to grasp function without identifier of form, hence the strategy will be taken, and employed, with the fictitious reference identified.  At this point, we have an imprint in the affected community that has accepted the strategy, with the sociopath unable to identify the correlation between the form given, and the true fictional reference, and the normal community unable to understand the mathematical form present, a double phantom test.

Production Strategy of Your Own Katana: Artistic Reference, Applied to Mathematics.  Form Shifted, Seperate from Apparent Function of Creation.  Offered to Machine, a Homosexual.

Mathematics Strategies:

Quantum Algorithm Solution to Double-Planed Floating Point Matrix: Land War in Asia

Reference: Destro, GI Joe Comics

Target: Oriental Religious Artistic Terror Cults

Mathematics: Two X-Y grids, parallel to each other, are crossed at the top by an extraterrestrial event within purview of one of three groupings, causing a cross between the X-Y grids at the fore of the structure, creating three triads.  Two floating points, on either X-Y grid are identified, with a quantum algorithm (change is a variable, time is an increment), identified, and a taxonomical nomenclature margin set matrix, identifies the constants into the Z cluster for the algebraic solution for both values of X and Y, in the paired taxonomies, with the empty triangle as the third group, the back observing, the last X-Y plane, created as the third.  Value is registered as Nil, and the floating point responsible is labeled as Nil, causing the third plane, to retaliate against a Nil on the wrong X-Y grid, from the third present.

Inverted Reticulated Fraction Halving at Doubled Factor Increasing Pyramid: Seinfeld Pot Dealers

Reference: Even Steven

Target: Trinity of the Faiths Narcotics Money Laundering

Mathematics: Standard money laundering is the practice of taking monetary benefit from the prostitution community, and using boyfriends to funnel it through to the day trade, to support religious missionaries, who then support business investment to fund rectories, therefore supporting deacons and other lay leaders who transmit information to religious organizations used in enforcement for criminal monotheist organizations affiliated with police (the Mafia).  This takes the hierarchy system, and loses one half on the investment, every other doubling factor upwards, in quantity of narcotics sold from purchased, beginning at the lowest unit, skipping the factor of two, and moving upwards every other factor of two, until the entire organization moves into a drought status.

Inverse of Dilemma Logic From Reference Taxonomy: Alternative Lifestyle

Reference: Catholic Inquisitors

Target: Vice Prostitution Industry

Mathematics: The standard taxonomy reference within one grouping, is placed inside another grouping, in a cipher mathematics code, an organic abstract, with the marker for three types of poor beneficiaries of the enactor performing the equation, moved into a Russian cipher genetic engram, wherein the prime enactor, the desired, is placed into the trap position at the visible stage, therefore the true enactor, the third position, is placed at the end, hence the intent is replaced with the undesirable context, from the enactor position.

Phantom Mahayana Reference to Imprinted Paternal Engram: Hitler is the Coach's Dad

Reference: Good Will Hunting

Target: International Sports Coaches, Merchandisers, Managers

Mathematics: Mahayana operates on a set of a fundament of four, with a pair of two from within the set of four, for self-accusation of pedophilia based on specialist fundament of bound pair.  On the standard phalanges of the human dextrous organ, this is four fingers, without the dominant sign, the father, with the phantom identified as being between the forefinger and thumb, the only gap remaining, the specialty that is by default, one's own specialty.  Therefore, in immersion, the phantom will be identified, as self, if all others within a hierarchy, identify their phantom, as a literal phantom, instead of the phantom present upon sight, initiating a suicide based on own phantom of hierarchy command.

Field Pattern Recognition With False Beneficiary Signifier: Les Miserables

Reference: Anschluss

Target: Zionist Politicians

Mathematics: There are four positions, in an immersed state, with a recognition engram present.  There is the enactor, the eunech maternal, the focused perspective, the child, the visible foe, the alias to be determined, the specialist within the grouping that is the true foe, the pediatrician agent to protect or remove the child from the care of the focused perspective, and the immersed quality, the parallel movements of the father, the visible color spectrum.  Any realization of the identity of the visible foe, from the focused perspective, by the surrounding immersion, therefore triggers into taking one's own agency into actor, the economic terminology for a self-relationship, a state of criminal insanity, no longer understanding the consequence of social placement.

Permanent Finanical Annuity on Intellectual Concept Property: Tong Ownership of Soul Music

Reference: New Jack City

Target: African-American Poverty Music Industry

Mathematics: A German investment, traditional for small businesses patronizing the community on the Marcus Garvey model, is a temporary investment in the life of individuals to produce commodity labor in terms of self-investing, to back distribution networks that are a permanent losing investment for the small businesses, however to continue the livelihood of the small business.  The Tong model, is a research investment, to support development of a new property as an individual with an affiliated body of skills, to pass the skills on in shape to future individuals, to build a balloon, as if cooking heroin, called 'smack', in terms of the rejection of the poverty moral offered.  This is a slavery system, where the same engram, is passed down over time, invalidating any business field that is too successful, to collapse a prefecture and recruit the business investors as Triads, 'chink' mobsters, referring to their skill at finding pressure weakpoints in a suit of mail.

Five Point Recognition to Codex Signals Intelligence: Lil Jon is MI-6

Reference: Chappelle Show

Target: California Criminal Syndicates

Mathematics: A particular codex piece is endemic in a syndicate, from a message of rape, the terminology for stealing the livelihood of a better, a higher placement in society, for the purpose of rising in status through stealing women to deprive the higher placed status social symbol of children, to achieve a seperate but equal symbol for self, a lateral.  A modification of the symbol, in false support, will achieve a Downey's Test, a calcium sorbate mixture used to inoculate an individual against a virus vaccine, with a tag marker for a smallpox vaccination, the vaccination actually immunizing an individual from autism cerberate, the death by smallpox, a natural vaccine that saps the immune system out of performing hard labor.  Therefore, autism, becomes the inversion thereof, a Moneypenny, a common British intelligence test to see what the value is by reducing it, for a test patient.  Applied with a cultural codex, it innoculates the particular codex's culture, against immersion, however participation is eminent.  A hostile takeover bid, but with an established property signal, the takeover is default, from sociological immersion factor.

False Downing's Bearing Test: Autistics Become Cops With Star Trek

Reference: All in the Family

Target: Conservative Advocacy of Disabled as Voter Lodestones

Mathematics: Autism is an illness caused by high mathematic frictile velocity, from the lack of a Downey Test applied to determine relevancy in the schools, a Sector 6 discharge from a military stipend after being tested in childhood.  Commonly called 'Aspies', a victim of Dr. Who (a show meant to control certain trades, reference this guide elsewhere on how to create your own, or reference the Karate Kid on how to counter it, another entry), these individuals make ideal police, if taught basic sciences, through an individual that is beholden to the situational comedy, the common school going Jewish-American, and specifically them.  This is the Rudimentary Exam, a Jewish test for Mossad scholarship, used to determine if an individual understands any form of the science fiction comedy, Star Trek, a Jewish criminology test to see how stupid you are as a corruption agent.  A high mathematic frictile velocity disorder, however, is incapable of being corrupt, epitomized by their highest lackluster star of brilliance, Andrew Carnegie, who sought to destroy the entire Scottish and British banking economy, with the steel industry, after his death, with a philanthropy donation to prove currency was a myth.  This is a term called 'technical currency', the notion that an investment is only worthwhile if tracked in banks, incentive, however worthless if shifted between economic node sectors.

Three Point Overlay Binding Concept of Jungian Engram: The Holy Trinity

Reference: Event Horizon

Target: Pedophile males working in animal grooming and training.

Mathematics: An overlaying boundary formula, called homophobia, is the world's only defense from savage rapists that treat human beings, as if they're animals.  The ASPCA, considers human beings, on par with animals, due to a hyperthalmus disorder, called Rudimentary Asperensia, necessary to join the Mossad, CIA, Legion of Soldiers (Vatican), or the MI-6 Assassin Wing, Army Codename "Shiva", also known as Black Ops Malefactor Division (footballers and rugby).  If the Trinity is hidden, in a stacking set, then moved backwards, from purpose to binding format to visible form, the entire personality collapses, into the displayed activity, inside the binding culture, from the original purpose being stripped.

False Professional Placement of Gospel Proclivity Test: Internet Finance Startup

Reference: Fire in the Sky

Target: Zero price distribution fee production of non-value system.

Mathematics: The Gospel According to John, is the philosophy of Christ (a pardon for criminal behavior) combined with the logic of Rome (external visible concrete algorithm logic), meant for economics.  It is called, these days, the Book Report.  With this, we've developed an entire society, based on the Jewish Racketeering Sect, known as Judaism.  If the proclivity is displayed falsely, a new industry emerges, which was Christ's concept, Houdini's also: the rebate coupon, both forming cults, Christ forming Christianity, and Houdini forming Wicca, criminal movements working for the police.  However, if the police system, is impossible to enforce, from priests being placed inside the system, the architects, then the entire programme of volunteer work is lawless, from priests being able to manipulate society from understanding basic economics, the concept of a leper colony.

True Paternity of False Reference: Stan Lee, Dave Mustaine, and Batman Forever

Reference: "Captive Honor", Megadeth

Target: Popular youth literature of Jewish academics portrayed to German Nazi audiences.

Mathematics: A cultural shift is an epochal term, from passing of fears of the parent, to the son, to imprint behavior from primordial simian behavior, to continue certain lines, and discontinue others, from genetic behavior being selected against, in terms of a community.  With a proper cipher logic, called a Rotunda, named after the Gazebo's architecture term for the 'top', a marriage convent in Judaism, this can be 'split', turned into an imprint of another individual.  This is performed by placing the father, as the victim of the child, so the gazebo, is the cultural work, and the architecture, becomes imprinted in the mind of the convert to Judaism, from the dome apparatus being lifted a kilogram degree, meaning above the head of the betrothed woman.  With a man, this creates a Hyperthalmus Complex, a hyperactive disorder, leading to heart attack and stroke.

Historical Cultural Reference Set System in Polygender: French Homosexuality as Zionism

Reference: Coneheads

Target: DC Comics

Mathematics: The Jehovah's Witnesses, contrary to popular myth, were founded in France, as supporters of French anti-Semitism, in support of Judaism, due to the poor management culture of Haitian plantations.  A typical heterosexual manager (Note: Editor's father), knows how to perform tasks, and does so alongside the workforce, meaning he places a woman in a pleasurable position for her, and gives orders pleasurable for him.  A Haitian slave owner, does not know how to administrate basic tasks, since the practice of any plantation work, compartmentalizes labor, making each administrator, from governor to slave, a pedophile.  Not even a homosexual, due to the compartmentalization of labor, hence the collapse of slavery.  Zionism, if induced into anti-Semitic support of Judaism, the founding code of anti-Semitism meaning sympathy for a hero's flaws, sympathy being the third party agency of observing an event, the entire system of standard economic society collapses, and the villain, the French landowner, is seen as sympathetic, inducing the Ku Klux Klan, an organization where each member was homosexual, yet required to raise wives from childhood, due to the need for secrecy that was mutual across the entire society.  This is known as a Downing's Blot, named after a famous French landowner, that had sex with a slave, and found it riotous that they were as gay as him, before he burned down his house, insane with thinking he was African-American.  This is a post-congenital shift, of thinking you are another skin color or tone, referred to perogatively as colorblind, perjoratively as a nigger lover, and in the white community as wigger.  Your father was racist, hence, he was gay, and you, are a pedophile's son.  This is fiscal transaction culture, inside a banking complex, that no longer functions, due to the school system compartmentalizing electives, known in America, as Common Core.

Investigator Placement Inside Own System: State Journalist Investigation on RomneyCare

Reference: The Jungle, Comic Book Format

Target: New Jersey Mafia support of social workers unable to work in state bureaucracy.

Mathematics: A media investigation, has politics, involved with source work, the state of an enactor of benefit, having a direct willpower, placement of civil rights, under jurisdiction, to carry out an investigation, a simple mathematical formula to trace destination from origin route, namely in the passive sense of literary investigation of grammar, hence impossible at a college university run by Africans, this term called "black", German educated African citizens, a corrupt campus.  Corrupt, in this tense, means a combination of incentive, and clandestine work.  A losing apparatus, for finance, in any training terminology, given that the program costs, more than its worth, supporting the mentally ill, however creating the illusion of the need for more, instead of less, since professionals involved have a corrupt training mindset.  An enactor, can enact a benefit, on a moral empathic notion, used by Karl Marx, non-monetized tangible benefit, of empathic assistance to one's own need, charity being the foundation of the Mitzfah, the Jewish benefit of working for charity for livelihood, by using a Gentile endowed with Jewish propaganda in a communist-capitalist blended state (where rights are endowed by media adherence), to initiate a beneficiary back to enactor, a losing proposition for the beneficiary, and a stalemate to the enactor, hence a loss of profit by breaking even and a failure of family for future generations, if the beneficiary is already abused and is going to die, a negative value on a sum equal divide.

Report Within State and Federal Codes for Jurisprudence of Female Spouses: Coakley vs. Golden

Reference: Goldfinger

Target: Talent grooming programs on behalf of communist terrorists through professional finance.

Mathematics: The anthropological human logic favors women, instead of talent scouts, who prey on children, especially in Hollywood mathematics, where children and autistics are required to produce pieces of art too frightening for normal children to stomach, viewed by homosexual homoeroticists who do not understand what the actor is experiencing, due to marijuana intoxication.  These talent programs, called "herbs", "farm" out ideas from the marijuana community, used in art fraud, laundered through INTERPOL treaties for day trades, the form of money laundering past the drug sales trade, used after prostitution and financial graft, enforced by the state to support vice, a necessary need due to standards of homosexuality increasing from the rejection of homicidal personalities to become field agents for the FBI from studying the downfall of their home culture, discouraged by history professors due to needless paperwork in correcting errors of student assignment, their alleged specialty.  Wives, however, dominate these matters, and the law means nothing, when children, women, and the mentally addicted are at stake, making any invocation of women's rights, supreme.  This is because everyone has a wife, unless they're gay, meaning they are easily outed as a homicidal murderer in court (the tragically removed FBI agent of the past).  Legal-tradition requires children to establish, inside a sociological grift against homosexuals (who consider sex with men, by force, in some logic, superior to being a politician, and having a real job, or at least trying), a parental Freudian bond, with a mixed sex couple, otherwise the child is a syndicateer, and will out themselves in court, in a sexual approach to the attorneys present, seeing them as the source of their potential power, the government, instead of their own parents (hence invalidating themselves before jury or judge). 

Mathematical Cheat Logic From Hockey Inducement Into Mass Psychosis: The Karate Kid

Reference: Lost Boys

Target: Marxist political economics programs intent on support of foreign dictators.

Mathematics: Gaijin, is the most offensive novel of all time, encouraging the rape of Buddhists by Jewish penises, a complete vaginal rip and tear from a Jewish circumcision without Zazen (lotus position) present, even from Budo, meant for sperm donations to create future generations of samurai (the meditation form now used by comfort women, due to the popularity of Ninpo, for espionage warcraft, used in this guide to describe swordsmanship and creation of intelligence patterns).  The Karate Kid, encourages a hockey cheat, where a pass across the middle line, results in a fight instead of a referee call, then into an icing call while the rival center is in the box, informing the entire audience, that the hero, has cheated mathematical rules, causing a mass psychotic break, in even basic field mathematics (schizophrenia is from cheating mathematical principle endemic to basic anthropology, thieves experience it, when acting on community ethics - a thief has given less, as an enactor, than they have received from the benefiary side of the equation, over a longterm analysis, from short term investment of loss).  Gaijin, encourages a Mob hit, instead of a karate duel, and a foreigner, a term used for someone else inside your house, as a joke (ex. my father is in my room checking to see if I've done my homework, he's a British banker trying to kidnap my daughter - he's making it impossible, to do my mathematics homework as a citizen, hence I will not have a child, he just raped my kid - Japanese humor, the term 'gaijin'), will try to kill anyone practicing lotus position, to rape a Buddhist woman, instead of masturbating while in a bondage position.  Of course, you turn transgender, unless you practice a Zazen form, while with a Buddhist man or woman.

Cultural Placement of Media Reference From Improper Field Deployment Logic: Mackelvoy

Reference: Robocop 

Target: Communist police officers used for research on federal agencies.

Mathematics: The FBI enjoys taking the villainous role, in police movies (not Westerns, that's for the actual police, not federal agents, who deal with the police when they mess up, even Ted Bundy - please note that a cop attempts to save the villains in a Western, otherwise they are declared psychopathic in the station, the common test of a rookie), since police movies, are psychopathic fantasies of what a man in a little suit in an office thinks the FBI does for a living, or any cop, for that matter.  That man, the producer, is always evil, he should have joined military intelligence.  Evil, is a term, for picking the wrong line of work, and refusing to be a teacher.  A police officer, posing as a pedophile, because he saw it on television, believes police should be murdered; under criminology logic, wherein a standard activity, not in the narrow range of pedophilia, is regarded as pedophilia, dictates that this is a homicidal murderer's logic and target margin profile, the cluster Z-type of the victim determining the method of murder preferred.  The cop, wants to kill other cops, and is labeling the popular FBI wife's characters, as victims of the police, as a police officer, thinking they're a pedophile, hence it's a cop killer cop, a homosexual (he has not acquitted to politics) murderer (he believes a common behavior is pedophilia) police agent (he is a cop that watches Law and Order, disqualifying him for law enforcement or legal services, as a cop or lawyer or informant).

Triad Placement of Romantic Dual-Weighted Partnership Affinity: Prequel Lorne Michaels

Reference: Saturday Night Live

Target: Comics store and video gaming culture, LucasArts.

Mathematics: A triad, is a term used by religious leadership, to determine the support of a romantic partnership, by determining, which partner has support of the clergy, hence the other partner, is homosexual, if they refuse the marriage.  If one places, however, the partner, with the own parent as the priest, and the approached partner as the spouse, then one is labeling their own parent a priest, and then one's self is, therefore, a thief.  This is the double pigeon-hole, where an individual is in a community with a potential set of marriages, and one has discounted themselves, and their own father, hence they are using remainder logic, instead of decimel logic, remainders being used by a commodities thief.  They are a slaveholder, wanting free labor, drafted soldiers, a Stalinist prison legion.

Islamic Shi'ite Shift Into Sexual Fetish Social Venue Recognition: UKRAINE

Reference: Batman the Animated Series

Target: Venture capital network connections to homosexual social movements (guilds).

Mathematics: A narcissist's logic is identical to a marketing specialist's logic, except the marketing specialist, goes into marketing.  A narcissist, worries about venue of sales, regarding antisocial behavior, as anything preventing sales.  With a sexual fetish, this is an unalterable logic of potential professional proclivity, a romantic partnership, indicating specialty of labor given women attracted to individual, determined by preference of hair styling, lesbians breaking hair styling rules.  Homosexual social movements, are made up of men, pursuing women, who are lesbians.  This is simple women's logic, a mathematical equation determined by time, finance, and proclivity, called 'meticulous'.  A woman who lacks stylistic capacity, cannot marry a certain type of man, hence she affiliates with a guild, she is a lesbian, she engages in abusive culture regarding homosexuals, police, prosecutors, informants, and pedophiles, a system in such a hierarchy moving from top to bottom, as listed.  If the antisocial culminable term is shifted, in marketing logic, to a sexual fetish proclivity, an engram can be induced on the males that view the work, to create a paradigm, a challenge, a management term for a new type of management culture that will challenge lesbianism in the workplace, a woman who practices criminal theft in a professional line of work, and her class of guild will be reduced to blue collar labor, and she will seek mates in manual lines of work, bred out of the system for her repulsion of fetish due to her support of poor culture in terms of networked attachment to male, the male considered metrosexual, for currying favor instead of seeking proper sexual fetish combined with career capability.  Catwoman's record clearance card, free of charge, Selina.  Out of infamy.

Deliberate Misrepresentation of Implication Towards Leverage Position: Memes

Reference: Joe Chill

Target: Pedophiles.

Mathematics: A pedophile, seeks the death of an individual's parent, to replace a parent, in a sexual fantasy where the trauma sought against both of the pedophile's parents (and not disciplined with the source of the trauma against the parent), is played out against the pedophile's potential victim.  If a proper logical manner of friendship is offered to the pedophile, called a 'yoodle' in Amish culture, the yoodle will then become a symbol of child pederasty, throughout the region, and any social group that engages in such behavior, will mark themselves for a pogrom.  This is performed through informing the individual, that they have killed your parent, in their attempt for friendship, in a pleasant manner, making them think they can be famous, for killing your parent, hence the logic will continue in an expanding spoor manner, as if a fungal infection.  The 'yoodle', the Amish joke that caused the Holocaust.

Three Dimensional Authorship Structural Mechanic Signals Key: Mad "Skorzeny" Max Engine Blow

Reference: Pinewood Derby

Target: Jewish media authors, secrets displayed through "The Passion of the Christ".

Mathematics: The Mitsubishi Lancer is produced through taking a magnet, and placing it upwards, with a metal plate on top.  This aborts infants, the system necessary for the proper magnetic strut casing structure to race a stockcar offroad.  Normally, a magnetic bearing structure, faces downwards, will make a car's axles and alignment, move in a level, four-dimensional fashion, with the forward velocity of the car as the fourth dimension, hence driving in reverse has a different sensation.  If an individual, looks to the manifold of a car, the place where the oil is changed, and places the cross, the crux, inside the manifold, facing the wrong direction, but not inverted, as if Christ is facing away from Jerusalem, this causes the hood to blow off, the fanbelt to snap, the pistons to fuse, the sparkplugs to short out, the fuel line to catch on fire, and the tank to blow.  This reveals the entire structure of a mechanical component with dozens of people potentially contributing, if viewed through the lens of the Death of Christ, the inspiration for all European machining, of which the car is an invention, hence the manifold, the crucifix.

Sales Patent on Trade Secret Released by Secret Broker for Finance Hedge: Batman Reality Tour

Reference: Kramer Reality Tour

Target: Children of teachers, The Joker's factual basis.

Mathematics: Killing Heath Ledger, is a tricky business.  He is Australian.  Francisco Franco, terrifies Australians, because a Francoist, admits to having committed a crime, that he has not committed, in order to prepare to be a soldier, or in Bob Kane's case, denies a crime that he has committed, in order to be a leader.  Every Australian, wants to be Bob Kane, to avoid the accusation, of being a pederast, the structure of colonial enforcement of convicts.  If one takes an actual instance of Batman, and admits to the crime being performed, while it wasn't, one has the actual reality of Batman, due to Bob Kane's admission of second degree murder, in Batman's tears.  An actual Batman, goes into an emotional shock state, for maybe even a decade.  Therefore, we can see the actual Batman, as a product of Batman, making the Joker, a teacher's son or daughter that has killed Batman's parents, wanting to be Batman, since they have always wanted to be the hero, hence the purpose of the comic, in denying them.  This is a logical strategy, to out them as pederasts, the end consequence of anyone being raised by someone that deals with children for a living, not wanting to bring their job home, unless they want to get endlessly fucked with, by every student.  That's a cop's parent, usually the commissioner.  An elected political role, by the county, not a comic book role.  This is known as an inverse paradox, a spiral moving outwards, also called a narcoterrorist, the new son or daughter of a teacher.


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