
Showing posts from February, 2023

CIA Officer's Training (Founded by JQA)

A CIA agent, recognizes his mother, not his father, as a spy, ages 2-3.  They’re a US President. But they are hypnotized, by the family, if the child is reported to hospital care, to be a CIA officer. You would’ve been a corrupt world leader, as a hospital internist (everyone turns gay, and economics goes away; economics, is how you determine a company policy, including politics). The hypnosis, gives the child the phobia that Irish communist unions, are “Little Grey Men”, to move into a sleep adrenaline shock, to rebuild IQ while sleeping if forced “sped”, the American slur for simplified processes and submission to another force of logic, both illegal in American culture.   Class of 1988 (Age 3): The Queen of England, rigged a bet, against George W. Bush, on behalf of Jimmy Carter, causing Desert Storm. I qualified for Chas T. Main, a Russian energy, water, and construction firm out of Ireland, through the O’Neills, Tong, and Yakuza, represented by GI Joe comics and th

Target: MI-6 (UMass-Amherst CI)

Please note, this is unavailable, on Canadian records. If you're a real cop, you can check with the United States records. Badge #5487, Burbank. Charles Manson: Drafted by the Rhode Island state police, to write film, in California, despite never having been east of New Mexico.  Had been arrested, for “looking distressing”, and managed to expel the police officer who did so, in a private court case, covered by the Brighton police log. Timothy McVeigh: Hypnotized as a CIA agent, age three, the standard age, and given the show “The Smurfs”, by MI-6, to help him with his phobia of Greys, a hypnotic cipher to keep him active and alert in his sleep, giving him nightmares if in contact with an enemy unit instead of breaking under Gestapo interrogation.  MI-6, took over Waco, and after McVeigh shut down the methamphetamine trade through anti-depressents, in the American Southwest, Terry Nichols blew up his contractor’s offices, the Oklahoma Federal Building, in a rage. Jeffrey Dahmer: J

Chas T. Main Summary and Past Operators

The Link Between Russia, the United States, the Chinese Mercantiles, the Japanese Trade Federations, Through O'Neills Chas T. Main: Investments in water and power, through recruiting of a US President, via refusal of first recruit military enlistment of potential politician or federal employee, evaluation by police ensign as first room mate at apprenticeship, military academy, or college, to clear for heterosexual marriage and favorite food item, to be given to Iowa house wives to support police service required for investment to counter foreign insurgencies of police, paramilitary, and military, in the United States, through cooperation with any and all foreign services active, and a clear review of having opposed Freemasons, Masons, Skulls, Snakes, and Haganah, or any NATO pledged actor or draft enlistment from Canada as self; accusations tracked, for Presidency, to be fed to agents in field, as slanders from local militia units pledged to the United States, distributed to street

Three Mighty Deeds

 How to Kill French Nazis: Lure a French Nazi, into giving you a car accident; then, blame it, on a pederast on the police force being hunted by international forces. Ask for a Milice haircut, from an African Haitian hair stylist, after performing the prior, with information given only to her. Then all the French Nazis, are ruthless rasta men. How to Retrieve Buzz Aldrin From the Capsule: Frame a campus paleontology major (Riker), as a sex offender, by defacing a KGB slave labor poster, then join INTERPOL, the KGB's sister unit, and buy the t-shirt you produce, by causing a mass riot for all history and disengaging campus politics with a Nietzschean, having prior summoned him through a psychiatrist reading "A Clockwork Orange", by suggesting the British version (the 21st chapter). Then Dad comes back. How to Shut Down Che Guevera: Pose as Che Guevera, with a banned piece of artwork from your target, the Bolivaran Gringo leader. Then, slowly piece apart a convert out of th