The Shadowrun (Numidian Ledger)

 Rome, after the Third Punic War, at high expense, hired an Aryan Abrahamite of the Central East Caspian lower district of the Mueve (a horseback breeding season in the lower east steps of Mongolia), to come to Carthage, to eliminate the social issue of mercenary culture, namely the Numidian horseback riders that had plagued them for so many years by "hiring for slaves", trading goods at extortion from Africa in exchange for "seamen", sailors and captive bound "draughts" (drunkards, those on marijuana, or "pills", opium), and their support of city-states in exchange for captives freed, such as the Carthagianian government to begin the First Punic War against Rome.

A cup, with a ball attached by thread, was given to the Aryan Druwess, the female Hun, and she created a system of logic, called a "Talmud", their word for a repetitive game of logic in a depreciating financial investment to eliminate a culture by a "holocaust", a continual rebirth to replicate an expanding but weakening whole of a sum culture (practiced by punishing those who harmed a horse, by the act of gelding, castrivada, eunech, trixie, or soprano, all punished by service as a tradesman, a bazaar artisan, or in modern term of expansion, their payment, a factory worker).

The Talmud turns over with an "audit", in a temple, holding illicit goods, "narcotics", with "corridor agents", functioning as forward scouts for "department stores", those dealing in "poors", essential goods to life in "luxury", the concept of those "teetotaler", buying the goods supporting by "scouts", of "swine", the sales of pork and rice for porkfeed, as well as woods and dwellings, for stone labor, "manors" for construction of stone and "manses" for overseeing drafts of templates for "inventions", "patents" (criminals creating new technologies, so the family would understand the product, a "handyman", unless purged, then "culture", a "fag").

A "titlist" tribe, each time, discovers from the "culture", a method of origin, then declares self "king", and comes to war with the "cartels", until they are bred as a champion. If refusing marriage arranged by "priest", through "rabbis", the prior being the auditors, and the latter being the negotiators for mercenary, the game is passed to "beirut", a neutral city beyond the "walls of the citadel", an indefensible position over a past "meagre", the "bitch groom" in dog breeding, the culture to enact the "pogrom shiney", an alteration of Chinese culture, on the "juwes", the tribe managing the "Highness", the clerks positions of register (salesmen in the bazaar, the Aryans).

The eventual purpose, to arrange all mercenaries, having purged and then lowered into "shame", becoming the new class of "orderly", the stake's position on a "bet" (the funerary rite, the control of police), in a submissive position, to each "citadel", centered out of Lebanon, the coastal tides planes.

Since it is suicide, to become the "hun", the servant of the Khan, the Aryans paid for the game (Kurds and Wei, the Mongols and Japanese, "China"), anyone displaying "Goyim", learning Hebrew without being "suppressed", neither purged into "slaves", Rabbinicals, or "indoctrinated", a "war crimes trial", becoming Jews themselves, only those addicted to "remonstrations", "good living", will enact the purge of "bigotry", the insistence that they have not made an error - an "impersonator", the "Charlatan" (the Irish, the brother culture to the Aryans).

The Irish, maintain legacy, the Slavics and Britons, and the Aryans, maintain testament, the Mongols and Japanese.

Therefore, it is impossible, to claim gravesite, as inheritence, any mercenary culture, impossible, the collapse of "Shining City"; the city being the enemy to all, the "sprawl", intended to overtake all society by the West, Europa, and the East, Riyadhi, the two trans-points (Istanbul and Palestine), with Britain and Tokyo, as the "Suns".

Hence, all mercenaries, "Jews", will be under control of Britain and Japan, at both oceans, through the "cartels", in the "run" (the attempt to remove the pogrom by "test", Persia - will Gaza, the "strip", be freed, or will Persia, come to inherit Beirut).


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