Suse (Turkish-Jewish Gnostic) Manual
Turkish-Jewish Martial Arts:
The proper name for a Turkish-Jew, is a Gnostic, the famous ones on file being Abraham Lincoln (cutlass dare challenge), Bahira (entomological specimens manipulation), and Dylan Klebold (Golden Gloves), as well as many pro-wrestlers emulating their "play nice", non lethal form (kayfabe, which they practice to disable you, not to kill, unlike other forms).
Every form of martial arts, besides gun-kata (Japanese-Beiruti-Jewish, Keanu Reeves as inventor), is theirs.
Golden Gloves, is their superior form, always applicable, specializing if non-defeated in first spar (they attempt to be "Keyser", and start a large military conflict, and found a backing organization, such as INTERPOL, and the World War 1, Great War conflict, to cement themselves in power, necessitating an escape with the defeated foe as sacrifice - their body and ligaments, will be non-marked, without a specialized form defeat apparent).
Each martial art they've developed, including rifling, desperado, and artillery cannary, has a 'hole' in it, specially designed by the family. That hole, is in their manuals, of counters, capable of defeating any particular form on the planet.
The key, to defeating the Turkish-Jew, is to design a monetary scheme that is actually functional, having studied their cultural deficit turned advantage (they only function or process what they visually view), and place them in control of a border country's narco-crop (only attempted once, by myself, with Matthew John Scott Lennox, actor's laureate, not an actual Lennox, just someone that killed an Ottoman, House Capulet, in prior history).
That way, the family will take over the market capital, and lose it, to a proper economic play, and the martial art developed, will have a 'hole', that functions as an economic gateway. In other words, they will be recruited as spies, for the local intelligence body, your loyal home body, and will use their holes, in actual martial arts, to violently counter the ruling body of the country of rulership, however through finance (control) divisional capital (separations of contension).
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