Deployment Set (Prison Cordons, Part 2)

Prison cordons, are philosophies inserted to prevent a social genocide, used by implant agents to insert a philosophical rationale that is disastrous and limits the scope of the leader.


Adolf Hitler, using On the Geneology of the Morality, to kill his own informants, all of the Holocaust peoples, in substandard psychiatric housing, the concentration camps, mocked through the linking American publication, Batman, with Batman as Hitler, and Joker as the Pavlach, the Yiddish term for Palmach, marked Bolshevist under Nietzsche's social codes through Paul Ree, a warden's specialist, Nietzsche's own father a prison warden.

Charles Manson, using The Gay Science, a Fraternal Order of the Police anti-LBJ slogans agent, killing his own benefactor's wife, Roman Polanski having been his intelligence operator command, out of the California Governor's office

Benito Mussolini, using Ecce Homo, for traditional terms of logic applied within factored exponent industry, so his army would fail attempting to use heterodox ideas of Transoxiana, Mussolini attempting a Catholic Law government, the Italian Mob, a refusal of the Catholic faith, where Catholic Law is refused at every turn by design of the priesthood - Mussolini was Protestant).

The key, is to "juice", by placing an operative that supports a political party by conversion, outside of realization (such as MoveOn, through myself, elected as Desert Fox), into the proper book (we used On the Geneology of the Morality on Barack Obama, he was a corrections officer and police family attorney, claiming civil rights against rights of inmate and children or wives of police, a Parisian political aide lawyer's philosophy, the exploitaton of wives and poor, for police officers), then give him a four part system found in Thus Sprach Zarathustra, with the reference set given (so your operative can eject if in trouble, placed inside his own 'scrum', such as with Zodiac, the planting party on Charlie Manson, the LAPD cleaner that was actually a Bandito biker, sent out to cause Altamont and neutralize Hunter S. Thomspon, an Air Force narc).

Thus Sprach Zarathustra, also places a mode optimal, wherein if you are cheating by inducing the philosophy falsely (the social genocide is non-existent, you've been tricking the inmates, not the guards or government, you are playing for a non-government organization or non-profit, in terms of interests, not in terms of initiating party), the idea collapses, and you form a secondary party or movement (such as Occupy), having frauded the entire thing, and reversed your own implement of interest (Trump wants to beat banks, by getting rid of the Bank Act, the concept of keeping banking separate, a black civil rights triumph, second in American law, indicating that to take a slave, you have to have a written registry, permission, and record of identity, the second such law recorded; the prior, a law indicating you have to work for a customs house, to take a slave in the first place, preventing you from enslaving anyone you feel like, the prior against shoplifting, the latter against street culture found in wealth).

To share my own work on the topic: Barney Gumble (A Single Tear Rolls Down My Cheek) (

To design your own set, a new set of prison cordons, the recipe is simple.

You need:

A writer, someone with military experience, your Nietzsche, and a secondary function, his civilian specialty, for your print cover, your "degreaser", the kitchen term; this is the publication of a series or comic or music movement, by your victims' group, not the false array.

A types specialist, your image of the father of your writer, your training sergeant, to provide the proper ethics to each piece. This is Paul Ree.

A mercenary envoy, your man to give the writer his assignment, gather the team, and offer payment; he should have a cross for the last contract, a criminal work out of bounds (Twilight of the Idols, prostitution, the term odentology for court room cheats) and a payment work to the family (The Antichrist, a work where you can drink beer while reading, and get your family's placement in art and legend), so if Nietzsche betrays the mercenary envoy (he's cheated payment), he has a psychotic break of amusing proportions (he's betrayed Andrea Lou-Salome's bridal groom, or whatever else you offered to pay Nietzsche, your mercenary envoy should be good at this). Jack Chartley, was the operative in question, a Charlize family out of New England and New York, send in by the Jewish Mafia, out of France, also recruting Schopenhaeur and Marx (not necessary, please don't use this, we don't need the rice and pig market cornered by Jews again, pick something else).

A formula symptom, a Thoth's manual, a real life scriven (hire a Gypsy, not me, I'm too 'expense', hot, I did a black operations for Obama, who wanted himself assassinated, he was a forced expediment, through his wife Michelle Obama, a Saudi terrorist agent, protecting the gains made during 9/11, the end of the international marijuana market, for Jewish actors guilds, exploited since day one; Jews aren't actors, they're criminal mercenaries in brokered houses out of Synagogues, it's just how it is). Your manual, should protect the courts, your only method of order, in case of a Thus cheat being necessary, someone ran the Trump Occupy banking movement to put us on plantations beneath gay Irish, all over again. Nietzsche's method, was a 2-3-1, per the entire series of books, and each book within, descending down, with a 2-1, as the breach between 3-1, to put a Two-Face, on a lawyer, the famous Batman character.

A print exclusive, any type of media, to mock the man attempting your work, inside the title of each of your cordon texts for prison quarantines; a basic concept, from your writer, for drama. Make sure it mocks the hero, and it will be produced, in the proper medium, every single time, with your notes references aligning out of people that were critics in support of your medium chosen, your painter's pallette, to lure in the type of artist that your fascist autocrat enjoys most. This is Chinese Green Flower logic, with a class room, and a simple mathematical equation, communicated from teacher, to student, to spot an enemy soldier, by whomever thinks your background-match, is the actual hero, for any one person, all your "juiced" operatives, your writers teams (the deviance protocol experts, your literature mercenaries). Each falsely claimed hero is the indication of the enemy force, if in a war or if against a crime syndicate or even fighting a social problem, a minority, a religion, or a construction impasse (and of course, the autocrat will change his background, to match the hero, such as Hitler's entire mythical background, his father won a train bet to make the royal princes, the magicians, listen to Hitler whenever he wanted a media event offering 'sexual ecstasy', his father ran a diner). You'll see who supports the enemy, in act, to think someone is Batman, Hitler, (or a "Mechanical Man", Charles Manson, or "The Pizza Guy", Mussolini, one of your writers).

And now you understand, System of a Down. Let's build a prison, Wagner.


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