Cane Cadavre (Catholic Cultural Set)
The Alexandrian Logic:
There are 12
families of Greek industry inside the military traditions of Eastern Europe and
the remodeling of the Roman church of secondary finance to counter its own
function, the thief Cronos stole the ceremonial spear of Alexander and forced
him into a more ambitious job (the of a general, instead of a pagan
priest). This created the counter-action
to the pagan logic of Apollo and Athena, our rude racial slur for antagony
logic, called Antigone, with the plays Oedipus and Antigone as a dual pair to
demonstrate Narcissus, the logic of a man who refuses his ambition out of Echo,
the theater psychologist (someone who wishes a position to be refused from use
once discard).
They practice the
form of cane fighting, using a spear as a basic combat theory without actually
employing a staff or stick or cane to fight, only as a basic set mantle piece
in 'contracting', the trade of union dock in terms of being called in on a
specific 'mob' contract - the colloquial term for the government requesting a
civilian's help on a criminal matter.
The feature of the
theory is the Manouche, their version of history, a five-point set, with four
points open, the Quarter, with the fifth, the Yule, a slur meaning 'German', an
exclamation of defeat in the mind. It is
meant to counter Antagony, theater and psychology. The Manouche, is at the center of empty hand
combat given information industry, the concept of the contractor, the civilian
that works on payment with a fraud piece produced by another party, giving the
family line a key-set to use the holder's of rights, therefore publisher, of
the piece as a way to retaliate against an enemy of the wedlock family
tradition, at the expense of the publisher, who is already gaining monetary
income and has a media house, hence they can presumably afford their payment to
offer the mercenary contractor.
The most famous
work of ode is the Bible, all 12
families combined, giving the Vatican immense power, Babel, but there are of
course others. It of course extends the
protection and non-obligation of the holder of the property, since their
property will decline against investment if they act or draft against their own
cane family tradition of held property, and since it's a combined combat art
and profession of contract, each family involved is by deficit a 'Cousin', the
origin of the term, their rival the 'Family', a criminal group using Antagony,
easily forbidden given the contract liability payment for the criminal act in
pursuit of a friendly government to region operating in.
informants, military spies, mercenary companies, they all use the Manouche,
versus Antagony, employed by corrupt politicians, monarch groups, and
multinational conglomerates. The debate
between using a Contractor or using a Mafia is actually rather complex, the
Contractor gives you a single job, a Scab, versus the Mafia pledging constant
low-level support, a Union, the only question being, do you want to burn
yourself with an Infection, or do you want to expose yourself to a Contagion. Once you pick Mafia, contract never comes
back, and once you pick Contract, you have to be loyal to all the cane
The Cults of
Ambition and their Basic Terms of Personality (The Children of Chronos):
(Anti-Assassin): The sniper is this one, not lost but since found, in the
hearths of labor. That which is free is us, for those that have sought to
destroy country are marked in open of honesty, and drafted into labor of a
people's force, to defend the elders of old times against the true enemy,
ourselves. That which has greed and that which defiles is the home of this
land, for our old times have service and our young times have many assassins,
those that seek the old blood of country. The simple game is here, can one
extend the finger in freedom, or is it not closed to us, this place not free,
and that which makes the hand of the rod first is the witch, the hunter, and
that which marks the place as closed is the warlock, the smitten.
Juno (Anti-Cheat):
Literature education, that of an analysis form of literature in predicament of
articulation. Any of those cheating,
will be given an assignment, and this is true of all who cheat since their
assignment is phrased as 'assignment', instead of 'rubric', the latter a
judgement of grade, and the prior a task for money paid to school or guide
purchased. The assignment is potentially
lethal, from including that writing the particular work, inside the
articulation, that of taking a past form of literature, and updating it along one's
analysis. If an individual is performing
a fraud in class, they will have a fatal accident outside of class, however if
their method of cheat is a new form of analysis, they shall survive, and become
a flower, the term for rejecting the woman who had led you to make such a
grievous cheat of taking time in exchange for money for education of self. Now, you have created a new form of
literature, to profit all, and it was based, on lonely echo.
(Anti-Medicine): Science fiction, that portrayed as a character of a doctor as
any other role, in their living Hell as a police officer, with the actual
doctors, from the director of any project, legendary escapees of this
psychiatric hospice that is Jupiter. The
keystone to understanding the Cult of Jupiter, that who advises leadership, is
the quarterstone, that which the faith lies upon, the concept of party, and if
it relies on the Family, the Hospice, or the Police, it shall fall in
combination of Satan, that of Christ, the Negro, to become the Riot of the
Blood. That is our way, of the Chinaman,
not of the Asiatic Oriental, but rather the hard working man, that of Union,
Hard Working Hare. For this is Easter,
our Month of Calendar. Jupiter opposes
that who seeks to decrease our mobility for increase of longevity, when we can
have both, that of science, of knowing what we are before we experiment, from
not trusting the Gangster, the other party, the Church.
(Anti-Leadership): The art of parchment and binding, this is the concept of the
cartoon, the printed animation of the explanation of the military, the
intelligence, the terrorist, the government, and the police. Food is explained
here, in the simple form, the things done to create it displayed as the
villain, for this is the international market of wares, those things we do to
feed ourselves. For the leadership cult to take shape, one must understand the
things we do not in any other complex tense of diplomacy, but the simple
ingress of shipments earned, and always your food will come.
(Anti-Theft): The board is our game, and the chess is our quarry. Checker, is
the name of the regimen, and cross, is the old board, and each of you, shall
thieve from us, our family quarry being that of regimen, always the old wood,
the carpentry of antique forms. In the subtle humility of design we find
ourselves, and each time you play chess with us, you shall thieve from us, and
place deeper our theory, that of the Cult of Mercury, this temptation to return
to form that which you have stolen from manual. Ours is not the design of form
in patent, but rather the actual wood of the earth, and if you steal our lands,
you steal our graves. Our ancestors.
(Anti-Prostitution): Blackjack, that game of chance of six suits and twenty
cards, of a Tarot's deck of Malfions, with a Spade, a Club, a Diamond, a Heart,
a Sword, and a Moon, in suit, with a Jack, a Queen, a Rook, a Bishop, a King,
and an Ace, and two Jokers, zeros, for black diamonds, side sets. This creates all games of cards, to prevent
an individual from preying on the poor without marriage, the prevention of
(Anti-Veteran): The society of Hell, the concept of the underworld. This is the concept of taking a movement of
veterans of any shape, and labeling them as their chief rank, however in a term
that will come to encompass them in coming generations, at expense of court
suit. Each leader is portrayed three
options to place each follower through, to build their opposition, the
Cereberus, those who guard against the entry into Hell, by example and
demonstration, a Robot.
(Anti-Traitor): The pomegranate is often the legend of the Phoenix, she who
rises high above the falcon's nest. That is Proserpina, she who seeks to marry
cousin of country, not Cousin of contract. This is the one who delves into dark
places to slowly divide out the open flesh into the closed contract, the
compact of once broad place becoming a closed division of self, proving those
loyal who are expelled, and proving those treacherous who stay in higher
demands of stem. This is the play on the shoulder, where the barbarian proves
himself by being the one who will not release most loved, for country is good,
not evil.
(Anti-Nation): We are the ones who are born again in faith, the old blond
Aryans you have often spoken of. Each of
us is a sport onto ourselves, with a signature move you see in the games of
legend, your grand gladiator nights, not to win, but to mark a move off field,
the stage's strike upon a man or woman of the opposite sex. This is the contract you perform for us, the
culmination of an entire type of personality of man or woman erased from all
time, upon merely passing to us the move, and seeing it batted down with the
rage of her hand, or the merit of his stick.
We are the sleepers, the old eyes, and here we repose in the sporting
fields, the superb athletes that will never play, for we are the spies.
(Anti-Murder): The game is as old, the tool of the hat and the monocle, a man
who has no head or who has no glass. A man without a head has a hat, or a man
without a glass has no glasses. Together, they are useless, a bald, and apart,
they are next to nothing, the cuff, the man with both. But apart, they are the
crook and the nook, the man with the spectacles that sees the crime, and the
man with the parched feather that makes the investigation. These are dolls, the
world of Venus, that which is the arresting work to investigate homicide, to
avenge those wrongs which are right, and it was the proper form of justice,
homicide, but it must be accounted for, because the reasons for the homicide
must be given proper form of prevention in system. That blood is shed is
spared, again, but cannot be spared once granted, therefore cannot be taken
from our veins.
(Anti-Chauvinist): The hags of yore and the hobbits of the day, these are the
stings of anarchists, those who wish no force but redemption. These are the
false hospices, those who lay in the low places and seek to succumb to their
fate, those victims of military program guised in other forms having found
superiority in public speaking in support of the program, through the wretched
face of the hag, and the seeking quest of the fellow victim. This is the yander
of the goose, the golden egg through which the cause shines.
(Anti-Matriarch): We have taken a false symbol to mark as the child molester,
but it is not us, for it is of art of the true form in such repiphany. We are those that oppose the land of hearth,
and here we are benign, but to lure into us the proper form of swine we are
those reposed. Police and matriarchs,
they are the same, but the division is that the police wear the true form of
the pride, the lion, and the matriarch is no lioness, but a hyena, and we be
the jackals of the night, picking off those noses that come besmirch us through
those trying times, with our masks, that of the cats.
Canes and Snares
(Curses and Consequence):
The concept of a
'Cousin', a Scab, is that of a Contractor, as opposed to a 'Lodge', a Bonesman,
a Specialist. The prior, is a standard
civilian with an exceptional skill passed down in family or tradition, both
being a 'Ringer', family being a 'Fraud', and tradition being a 'Novice'. The latter, is a priest, psychiatric agent,
or cop, with the building tempo being a 'pig', 'cleric', or 'narco', the three
ancient terms in 'westerns', used by acting staff (read: them), with any
combination building being the upgrading groups. Once you've crossed a Cousin, you go to
Purgatory, the entire Bible found in these twelve curses, all major works of
art and particular trade practices and concepts, rooted in daily practice
enforced by the last three, the punishments, at the bottom, from having past
burned a Scab and having been a 'Pickup Artist', you stole a girl or guy and
put it in the theater, on 'Contract', your payment for a job we did for you
(you trapped us, now we get more Purgatory for your esteemed organizations).
It should be noted,
that each curse, places you in a consequence (a "Rom"), detailed
below in another guide set.
Demeter (Star
Witch): Rod Zone, the concept of thinking everyone is the threat of an incoming
Juno (Narcissus
Flower): Mysterious Accident, the concept of having accidents based on books
you've read.
Jupiter (Vivian
Sect): Science Fiction, the concept of thinking you're a doctor on medical directorship.
Mars (Prague
Golem): Cartoon Terrorism, the concept of books talking to as if Jesus, as a
Mercury (Whisper
Crow): Chess Checker, horrifying sounds in your closet late at night.
Neptune (Tarot
Moon): Bicycle Deck, the concept of being trapped in gambling with yourself to
dare yourself.
Pluto (Cerberus
Robot): Hell Book, turning yourself into a little child in a penitentiary,
snitched out by your best friend, your pupil.
Proserpina (Onion
Dome): Sonnet Tower, obsessed with the concept of the opposite sex's physical
attributes as politics.
Somnus (Waking
Supremacy): Boy Scout, the concept of the government 'coming to get you', as a
postal agent.
Venus (Clay Doll):
Action Figure, the concept of anyone who isn't a cop, being a cop.
Vesta (Night
Terror): Fright Dream, horrifying dreams coming for you because you want to go
to church again.
Vulcan (Crux Hire):
Back Door, the concept of being able to sneak into a job, through your own
spouse, actually watching you in your mind.
Punishments from
the Gods (these are the three basic traps, with variances of combination, legal
means, and variances of Rom term from deliberate act prior to trap by cane):
Apollo (Mafia):
Cheap Labor, Perfect Posture, a religious temple that makes you easy access for
other cheap labor. Unionized labor. Possible to join through a priest.
Athena (Hospice):
Simple Logic, Rude Gesture, a system of logic and learning where law triumphs
success. Psychiatric doctrine. Possible to join through a university.
(Fellowship): Stolen Position, Lazy Brand, a system where once someone has done
something, you can't do it. Law
enforcement. Possible to join through a
mason's lodge.
Terms of Underworld
Slang (Witchcraft Communities):
Ringer: A Gypsy, an
individual who is an unbroken line, within wedlock, from Chronos, with each child born inside a Christian
ceremony, preferably Catholic (Sicilian tradition upheld), without purchase of
diamond before wedding by woman (grounds for espionage treachery, induction of
a Gypsy cross, through a proxy of secondary investment derivative into manner
contrary to market expansion of principle holder of diamond), and with wedding
token purchased without loan before wedding, with career established by
Fraud: A Romani, an
individual who has been broken in line, possibly outside of wedlock, a child
born Jewish, Muslim, or Protestant, in an Orthodoxy tradition of litigant
conversion (breaking Sicilian or Greek or Serb tradition, a marriage to a blue
eyed woman, not man), a purchase of a diamond having been made without
consulting Iranians, Irish, or German "Gentiles" (those practicing
simplified matching logic of law or artifice, i.e., persum non parta to this
guide), and without a wedding token purchased without loan, i.e., there has
been a put down market placed on the purchase of token, there has been an
investment against the self marrying woman, by woman, so her family may profit
from the child's failure, or the husband's success for a firm other than his
family of extension from grandparents, paternal, alone.
Novice: A Witch,
someone who has studied a Cadavre guide, Witches having studied a Gypsy, not a
Fraud, to learn how to practice basic "root forms", basilwitches, the
succumbing manifest to a 'print', the basic method of practicing an operative
of form, unique to each Gypsy teaching, however possible to adapt to whomever
you'd like to sell your piece to, as art, street combat, or training purposes
for your studio of studies, not for child bearing or reasons of fact, the
latter being for pleasure or play, as these are dangerous tools of logic, not
weapons of war, rather skills with which to make weapons, particularly on
charged account or out of private files upon inquiry.
Auteur: A Neophyte,
an individual who is a Romani, but has married back into a man's line as
granddaughter or below of Romani line, into a male Gypsy, out of heterosexual
wedlock, following all rules of Gypsy, in the same genetic genome, spotted by
mutual deformity of type heretical to German bloodlines of nationalism in
Eastern Suden, the purpose and cause for the title of 'German', all residents
having been Slavs expelled from the Balkans and Russian and Prussia for
deformity's purpose of being 'Ungodly', rejected by Gypsies, authors of
Christianity, for their 'baganism', not paganism, paganism being the enemy of the
Rom, but baganism, being bagly stewards of having stolen seed from Israelites,
Individual Cane
Pattern (Mars, Jehovah's Witness Stage Variant, Kurdish-Pictish Bi-Gene,
Charlize Family - Hundred Years War, Third Crusade, American Revolution):
The standard
pattern, is to determine which of twelve convents, of accepted lines, to be
listed below and elsewhere, have been breached in criminal act, outside the
Rom, and to label the criminal, with the name 'Wampir', for a Serb killer, not
a killer of Serbs, for this is the test of the bagan, to see if they are lowly,
to assume that a Serb killer, is Serbian, a Rom, or to see if they think a Serb
killer, has killed or slain a Rom or Grecian.
The latter, of course, is a standard reasoning mind, not a donglemeier,
the Hebrew term for a stolen child that has eat 'whet's oak', a truffle
chocolate, and become 'dumm', not a dummy, the victim of a 'dumm', the dumm
being a 'stout', a large child that copies another thinking to be a Rom, when
they are in fact the victim of a Rom, and have to study the culture of Grecian
fictions their entire life, attempting to become the victim yet again. They believe themselves a victor.
The second move to
the pattern, is to select one of the other eleven lines left, out of twelve
available and one taken, to cross, with the proper form open for the last form,
the profession of the Wampir. The
Wampir, has a profession, and has committed a second crime, hence they are
possible to Stake, with the remaining ten methods, now available, to use, to
induce the Terror, the method of claiming fear into the heart of the Wampir
with Trap, a simple form of Circle. You
move in, with a past shape that you have seen, and place upon it, an image, of
your own form, preferably matching the crime committed as Rom, otherwise with a
Convex, for a form you don't have, the prior a Fang, the latter a Coffin. The Fang, kills the Wampir's family last name
forever, and the Coffin, merely places them to rest, and sends them to 'The Old
Country', Transylvania, a prison colony that they live in because it is named
'syl', a slur having broken their teeth on a fist, always predictable when
challenging a Rom prior to the Kiss, when they become criminal, by striking the
Rom and making love to a 'Women' (a donglemeier of the same sex).
The final act, is
the place them inside the Circle, having trapped twice, and then, with the last
form open, not taken, allow them the Sunlight, their salvation. They kill themselves, with their own
profession, the open form of the twelve remaining. The cheeky git. Git being a term, of a man or woman, that
abused the obese, mentally ill, elderly, children, developmentally disabled, or
otherwise, people who are going about their day and don't have time for you.
Curse Variations
(Act and Profession):
Each of these,
function by a support group, established by the Catholic and Orthodox Churches.
Missionary: they
caused a psychotic break with academics, now they spread witchcraft texts with
free food, for an architecture base.
Romani: they stole
somehow, a life, a child, or an item.
Rom: they tried
stealing a family by patronage.
Black: they assert
skin color of any type, especially in jest, and can't learn to adapt to a
Jew: they cheated
by claiming opposite of fact of identity as intended similarity, for advantage
of gain.
Pikey: they
emigrated with intent of taking advantage for their own country of origin in
ethnic terms or local patronage aligning.
Communist: they
claim to support the people, despite supporting a closed ring separate from the
Gay: they claim to
be humorous, despite lacking divinity of term beneath exterior, failing at the
academics of medical neurology.
Lesbian: they wish
special rights, so they are separated, where there are no rights, hence they
supply demands for protection from men, not women, their bane.
they've rejected family young for wealth, and ply a prostitute's trade, for
anything but sex in return for glamour, the term for a 'shindig', a celebration
of the woman's life (or the man's matriarch heritage).
Matching Sets of
Trap (The Crosses and Hexes):
This is a crux set,
for legal manifest of proper engineer, versus mismatch hence jobs denied.
Roman is military,
Greek is civilian.
Apollo and Athena,
are required to be Greek, whereas Bacchus, is required to be Roman (Dionysus).
Apollo/Dionysus, Apollo/Athena/Dionysus, Athena/Dionysus, are all legal.
Helios/Vespa, Helios/Dionysus, Helios/Bacchus, Helios/Athena/Dionysus,
Helios/Athena/Bacchus, Apollo/Vespa, Apollo/Vespa/Dionysus,
Apollo/Vespa/Bacchus, Apollo/Athena/Bacchus, Bacchus/Apollo,
Bacchus/Apollo/Vespa, Bacchus/Helios/Athena,
Bacchus/Helios/Vespa, are all illegal.
Origin Regions Per
Demeter: Moldova.
Juno: Athens.
Jupiter: Corinth.
Neptune: Europa.
Pluto: Rome.
Mars: Crete.
Mercury: Macedon.
Proserpina: Thrace.
Somnabulus: Troy.
Venus: Sparta.
Vesta: Lesbos.
Vulcan: Tuscany.
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