Secret Societies of America (Anti-Constitutional Megastructures)

 Freemasonic Temple:

The Freemasonic Temple, is a false legate of American law, that removes the Preamble from their memorization of the Constitution, every aspect offered except for the Preamble, to ignore their own self-evidence in society. This makes them appear humble, otherwise quite divisively criminal, from rings, emblems, symbols on licenses, and right hand reaching for left mount badge.

All of them, homosexual in New World logic by deliberate design, hence their reliance on books to apply them as literal fact, a pederast's disorder meant for close engagement in combat (however not altering the book, illegal in British national logic of royalty, insurance, taxation, or NATO).

Countered by bringing up a larger logic, necessary through the Preamble memorized once, between 12-14, then when a literal fact is demanded, demanding the phallus be fellated, placing the Freemason as "it", an MI-6 maneuver to kill Freemasons, the "Scottish Gangs" (British crime syndicates claiming royalty, actually Irish gangsters in Protestant Presbyterianism).

If an MI-5 is nominated, a psychiatrist or film maker, temporarily combined through research on their files (Caymans breach, databank security), a single key reference to the rumor of the MI-6 is used, always from a Freemason if a spy is in medical care of doctor; hence, there's yet another behavior to place the Freemason through upon fellatio request.

American Lodge:

A society opposing British suzerein presumptions of America as a colony; this policy is the spectrum of First Nations genetics placed as percentages, listed as "English" (not "Scottish", British), from stolen papers of "flat tops", Minutemen and Redcoats murdered after George Washington's victory in the American Revolution, Washington a full blooded Mohecan Iroquois; the so-called "Articles of Confederation", the Lodge secrets of the history in the period before the Constitution, the slaying of Europeans and replacement by Natives, an ethnic cleansing of importance in American military logic (that being, wars with Native tribes, were territorial, and reservations, were for those refusing to kill and replace a white blood).

The Fraction of American descent, with a tribe matching for level of achievement in terms of war crime committed for country, is for a double-check on any systems reference to the social security, license, housing deed, and bank number, by Lodge authorities (Internal Affairs, city hall accounting), to ensure that police are enforcing the rights of the suspect, investigated, or arrested, without any exception, a hard rule of fact.

The American Lodge's higher function, is to ensure that all Presidents have First Nations ancestry, defeated twice, Barack Obama and Donald Trump, both Presidents having been ruled as despotic for this fact, hence they are given news and media coverage as if still elected, Adolf Hitler's alleged disorder of killing himself to leave power once conquered (actually, a breakdown from the first stage of non-medicated male homosexuality, seeking lesbian mates, to the eventual end, public suicide). The gay reference is noted.

As the author is an American Lodge, a 1/16th Iroquois, Banshee Sue, he won't listen any potential counters.

Masonic Lodge: The Irish coalition against suits of court, this is the Irish Mob's highest society of vein, the criminal edicts of courts. If a suit, arrest, comment, job hire, or firing, is against Irish precepts, labor criminals are sent forth, responding to any pressing suit with Irish police, "blokes", spotted from their thick jaws from German Bavarian breeding and sperm steals from criminal informants placed in prison by the Sistaverian.

The Sistaverians are an illegal order of the Church run by Nazarene Jews, "honey pots", referred to as "felchmongers" by the proper Irish, the British Catholic; men and women to "felch", break a bone or limb, or alternately induce birth defects through order of medical roster listing through an MI-6 medical secretary, after initiating a blood test investigation through claim of accomplice with the target in a murder related to marijuana distribution (the modern advice, to fighting the Masonic Lodge, playing with marriage licenses despite a man's sense of proper partner).

Knights Templar:

A Catholic society opposing Lutherans and bigots, as anti-Semites for reasons of poor education, the personal standard of definition in refutation of the definition planted on Jewish nomads by Richard the Lion-Hearted to give the Jews a racial slur recognizable in English, "anti-Semite", the presumption of Jews being an order of fact separate from law, already existent, however now openly offensive to Gentiles, not "Goyim", their victims under project of study.

The Knights Templar mark any such trap of free labor, from a Lutheran, Jew, Zionist, Catholic falsehood, or child's conspiracy from Rabbi or Rabbinical Scholar or Judenhaus teacher, particularly from distempered ministers and youth leaders of Christian psychiatric restraint counter-reform, but always the most hated; the Orthodoxy of Judaism and Christianity and Islam, teachers and professors unions and their related stalking groups among police and doctors, never in the proper system - always an underground for worker's furlough without charge, a gutless and paper mache system that never existed except to scared old women that need their own family to be trained to wipe their ass before their knees cripple out.

As the writer has been a beneficiary of the Knights Templar, as a Catholic, and a Christian, the Italian Catechism of origin and the avoidance of Jews in social fraternity or membership of payment and friendship, I will not tell you how to cheat a Knights Templar, as a mere suggestion to attempt to do so - the "cheat", for your Cadavre to be received, your Gypsy's curse.

Morehouse College:

Morehouse College is based on the 3/5ths compromise, to produce African-American instructors for police training and police intelligence work. Existant early in the country's history, particularly down South, this freed the slaves of any slave owner not paying the 3/5ths tax (they were voting on the slaves, offered under historian's arrangement to add it to the Constitution, but impossible under sense of law through manner of method, an Irish trick to remove power from those wealthy that seek to abuse the poor in tax burden of property and risk).

The Irish worked in mining and lumber, and were fair taskmasters that did not peddle slaves, despite myths persisting from falsehoods from mob status, those business that function on cannery, processing, threshing, factory, warehouse, sweatshop, and printshop labor, from stealing immigrants and their children to work petty roles for German taskmasters or military traditions. The 3/5ths Compromise, is the method of spotting a German Mob teacher, someone with a corrections or police barrister union, that assumes an offer or promise without function to act, is a legal burden; hence a stripping of the rights of the dominant party.

Chinese Society:

Chinatowns in America are the source of FBI intelligence and undercovers, at range stations called 'hot chops', little Chinese restaurants that track and signal agents through irrestistable tells and methods and maneuvers. Descended from lines of Chinese police that have mastered art, espionage, and administration, they live handsomely outside their little business fronts, supplied and paid for by the Department of Justice, and their friends caring for them, at federal buildings, the FBI, and earning degrees through Law Academies, for their past genome orientation.

Countered quite simply, by taking along someone of the same religion, always one that practices both circumcision and meditation (Judaism, Catholicism, Anglicanism, Calvinism, or Sunni Islam), to witness a young FBI perp's work, to then cascade the system through the faultlines and get the Chinese to encircle around the established main religions of the world as "Buddhist";

This get them to spot any traitors, "Housers", those working Scientology or Bohemian logic, the prior for the poor, the latter for the rich; named Comstock and Bauhaus, historically, in American Eastern municipal logic, "Lefthands" and "Righties", on the West Coast; not to be confused with Obeah, Left Hand logic, that finds them to be repulsive "Snakes", bisexuals and homosexuals for looking at porn, diaries, journals, notes, and pictures of a family's children for trade to pedophile porn dealers, "wyeahauts". Wyeahauts are police frame artists to marry stolen children's photographs to cops, "greasybears", people that hate African-Americans and poor children despite them getting better grades and being in advanced programs - American spies, those that hunt the Chinese Society.


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