DC Comics Character (Film Freak)
Film Freak, is a Jehovah’s Witness, a sect originating in the 1300s from Scottish playwrights in Kurdish beekeeping of Pictish-Kurdish, the future Jacobins after the fall of the Plantagenets and the rise of the modern line, after the War of the Roses. A beeswax linament, ‘film’, could be placed on the right eye, after a kill, or the left eye, in autopsy. The right eye, indicated the ‘damage’, the loss to the community of a ‘soul’, the potential earning of a man through his family and his children’s contributions to the economy. Every point of 20/20 vision, on the right eye, above 20, was one quid, of payment. The left eye, meanwhile, indicated ‘precinct’, the police officer’s range of responsibility, ‘commission’, for an inquiry to see if a police department had a failing officer, for investigation. Every point of 20/20 vision, on the left eye, below 20, was a reduction of precinct responsibility, one fewer union of trade allowed to remove from department taxation. A ‘spy’, is an insur...