
Showing posts from May, 2022

DC Comics Character (Film Freak)

Film Freak, is a Jehovah’s Witness, a sect originating in the 1300s from Scottish playwrights in Kurdish beekeeping of Pictish-Kurdish, the future Jacobins after the fall of the Plantagenets and the rise of the modern line, after the War of the Roses. A beeswax linament, ‘film’, could be placed on the right eye, after a kill, or the left eye, in autopsy. The right eye, indicated the ‘damage’, the loss to the community of a ‘soul’, the potential earning of a man through his family and his children’s contributions to the economy. Every point of 20/20 vision, on the right eye, above 20, was one quid, of payment. The left eye, meanwhile, indicated ‘precinct’, the police officer’s range of responsibility, ‘commission’, for an inquiry to see if a police department had a failing officer, for investigation. Every point of 20/20 vision, on the left eye, below 20, was a reduction of precinct responsibility, one fewer union of trade allowed to remove from department taxation. A ‘spy’, is an insur

Red Flag Logic (Protocol Sets, Taiwanese Butchers)

A protocol set, is the Chinese concept of retaining all original titles of their culture, by disparaging individuals that try to change their culture as a "pig nose", such as the improper way of speaking Cantonese, with howls and mouth bends, as if a snorting nostril flare pig, or alternately, feminine Mandarin, or short spoken Japanese, all of them marking a criminal proclivity to alter culture within a bounds of judgement necessity, instead of the system working within standard means of culture dating back to the Ice Age, and still stalwart today in the selection of the winners (they never changed the name of their tribal or preferecture or traditional logic) and the losers (the homeless, they adapted to a foreign system changing their name to insinuate themselves into Chinese culture). To create the protocol, you need to place a simple trio of movements into play, at the level of food, alcohol, and criminal means, representing incorporation of smallest portion (your petri

The XY Chromosome versus the XYY Chromosome (Piecing Apart a Genetic Eunech)

 How the extra Y chromosome works: If someone is an XY, they naturally move on their own, without direction or request or obedience thereof. If someone has an extra Y chromosome, they naturally respond to any direction given or indicated. Therefore, the extra Y chromosome, doesn't stay in their place, they attention to maneuver, as if the normal males, are doing something to direct them. An XY: I'm here, and you're there.  Nobody moves together. An XYY: How do I do something, while moving, around another person? The XY, is a football player, the XYY, is a kicker.  Like in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, especially at the end. So we can see, that most people by breeding, are the XY chromosome, since they're capable of taking a direction on command, into a woman's vaginal crevice.  Versus the XYY chromosome, that takes a direction on position, into a woman's vaginal crevice.  One, is capable of bearing an infant and ceasing sexual intercourse after pregnant, on direct

Sabotage vs. Terrorism (Easy Learner's Terms)

 Counter-Intelligence Function Crosses: A spy (film agent, film being a beeswax linament from a sliced paper sheaf, to confirm a kill with a press of the linament on the pupil, on the right eye, the more severe the myopia, indicating a higher predilection towards schizophrenia, fatherhood, the higher the "damage" to communes of stewardship, hence higher charge for kill returned), crossed with a cop: a sabotage agent, anyone they work for, will decrease the popularity of their brand, except with criminals of brand affinity that will commit crimes within region of brand distributed.  Example: Elon Musk. A cop (copper agent, copper being a simple element that can be fortified with rubber to place a stamp's handle on a form for surveyed land to authorize it for habitation under arranged property taxation, indicating that the state owns the land rented by tenant of property ownership), crossed with a spy: a terrorist, except with local trapped impoverished, to create a social

Core Representation of the Roman Senate (Optimates vs. Populaires)

 The Organization of the Roman Imperial Senate (Populaires vs. Optimates) The Senate of Rome, was designed with a prime pair of two political parties, designed around a pair of bloodlines. The core of the Populaires was the Cossack Patricians, and the core of the Optimates, was the Neronic Patricians. With such figures as Pontius Pilate, the Cossacks, the Italian Facedancers, and Julius Caesar, the Neronics, the Italian Prince. Notable was the Cossack's ability to shift personality with input given and output apparently requested but in pursuit of proper line of social mobility upwards, and the Neronic's ability to complete act of turn only once per lifetime, with a predictability only in their alteration of approach to a false objective, actually playing into a contingency. The Populaires supported the rights of the Plebes, those veterans that held farmland after serving in the Legion under the Centurions (not peasants, the improper term, a Jewish dystrophy of understanding Eu

Populaires (Famous Descendents the Imperial Senate's Facedancers)

The Cossack gene, is a strain of the Italian Patrician gene known to have a quantimorphic quality. Rumored to be disorders like disassociative identity disorder (your child has annoyed a teacher), multiple personalities (you compartmentalize, anyone does this, that isn’t a sex offender), or a fluid aware (someone that is aware they’re being monitored by others for scholarship on a subliminal level, anyone in school bright enough to fail at education and think others are inspired by watching people – you pass sociology, you don’t listen to hand gestures or positional signals). It’s actually a highly ordered state, wherein you return output, given request for input, of any type, always performing to direct, stated request, not signal or assumption. Pontius Pilate: Emperor Nero, ordered Pontius Pilate, to crush the Jews, into Legionaire’s membership, by building roads. Instead, Pontius Pilate allowed his son, Judas Iscariot, to study a local mobster’s son (Joseph, Thieves of the Ghast, pe

How Politics Works (Since Bridgecountry Ceremonies, 1200 AD)

You have the politician, who wants a single thing, his entire life, and he wants what he’s been hired to get. You have the genocide, which is every group of people, that have personally insulted the politician themselves, as a group, being dealt with on family history, from Europe, always. You have the elite guard, the individual insults, the outreach campaign, for election. You have the single espionage team, the only one throughout the leader’s tenure, the spy/lawyer/accountant. The spy, gets ditched, he’s the Mama Boy, he’s incompetent and works for you, the lawyer, tests something on the spy, for the leader, and the accountant, is a soldier, that takes a cop’s uniform, he transits the achieved goal, back home, the diplomatic channel, that hired the politician. Finally, you have military intelligence, goons, the draft recruiter sergeants, intended to fail, opposing the leader, forever, if they’re working for him.

The Sun Shone Too Bright: The Dave Charlebois Story

 I come from grand roots, that of an industrial engineer father who worked for subsidized Raytheon contracts out of the Vietnam War, in secret a Fenian Brotherhood fighting Freemasonic mobsters out of Britain, with pension raids performed on the interests of the British government, by their very own sponsors and patriots - the lure of an easy buck too tempting, for a Breton. My mother was a former MI-6, who had been forced into the IRA and the Boston Police Department, by the bio-medical industry, her sole friend Sanjay Gupta, a young internist and MI-6 doctor out of Mumbai, the Charlebois family interest of conduit from the Chinese Republic communists; namely the Chinese Tong.   Together, my parents' early romance, was framing a Contra agent of Ronald Reagan and Oliver North, a man named James Bulger, a Boston cop and Masonic Guild Skull, a Gaelic Mossad, as an MI-6, by killing multiple Jewish cop informants with the Israeli Mossad, and getting Whitey Bulger pushed under into the

How to Fuck with the Irish Mob (The Mossad Gaelics)

1. Call any politician, Adolf Hitler. Adolf Hitler, happens to be a politician. That way, no politician, will support the Irish Mob. 2.  Tell the Irish Mob, that Sinn Fein, overseas Irish intelligence, is the Irish Mob. That way, they’ll get cut off from educational resources and housing. 3.  Tell the Irish Mob, that the Mafia, is something from a movie. That way, they won’t understand that spies and soldiers and diplomats, are referred to as different terms, by different countries they operate in. That way, they’ll blame George W. Bush, for 9/11, since enemy insurgents in Iraq and Afghanistan, called American soldiers, terrorists, for attacking them. 4.  Put a TV commercial on the air, per war, that supports matching unit theory, handegg; that way, they won’t match the enemy in the field, and won’t be sent overseas, and their friends will have to serve as anti-Semite criminals. 5.  Tell the Irish Mob, that the Freemasons, are MI-6 or MI-5; that way, they’ll think that British criminal

Secret Societies of America (Anti-Constitutional Megastructures)

 Freemasonic Temple: The Freemasonic Temple, is a false legate of American law, that removes the Preamble from their memorization of the Constitution, every aspect offered except for the Preamble, to ignore their own self-evidence in society. This makes them appear humble, otherwise quite divisively criminal, from rings, emblems, symbols on licenses, and right hand reaching for left mount badge. All of them, homosexual in New World logic by deliberate design, hence their reliance on books to apply them as literal fact, a pederast's disorder meant for close engagement in combat (however not altering the book, illegal in British national logic of royalty, insurance, taxation, or NATO). Countered by bringing up a larger logic, necessary through the Preamble memorized once, between 12-14, then when a literal fact is demanded, demanding the phallus be fellated, placing the Freemason as "it", an MI-6 maneuver to kill Freemasons, the "Scottish Gangs" (British crime syn

Federal Marshalls (Modern Firearms Laws)

 The concept of a firearm, is a marksman's rifle; a goblet, of gaze, that can be drawn with only the left hand non-prior, for a symbol of authority, a belt, the status displayed with the empathic side of the brain, the right, through the left eye, the aiming determination of reason, the critical, upon display.  The clear sight, comes from the vision in the brain, of wearing struts, a suit of mail, armor, that being the tight jockeys and right sided stripe of belt on a uniformed police officer, soldier, or prisoner, not a pensioner's method or technique of wearing civilian clothes or espionage uniform, both a violation; and certainly not a Hebrides' Hex, an Islamic variant of fasting wherein the faster is rendered homosexual through anal hazing with a water bead, a strapon dildo rocket, a fuck machine, while starving on the first day, to remain anally fixated to obtain "narcotics busts", vice hooker strip walks as the same sex on a heterosexual, to arrange a pedera

Pashtun Tradition (The Lebanese Hezbollah Movement)

Couched in Ariel Sharon, the Phalangists and the opposition to Judenhaus logic; Hamid Karzai, the high Popalzai tribes of Afghanistan and the mercenaries of the Pakistani princedom; Saladin, the rescue of Armenian-Jews from the domination of Ethiopian-Jews, homosexual Jews bound to clasping and kissing in the illusion of the Bible being homosexual (the German Fensling idea of theology, the pederast judgement of Paganism, a Heathen without a circumcision and with little education, to be placed under the firm boot of a soldier with their children raped and begotten before them as Jannissaries); Pierre d'Outrement, the cousin of King Philip II of France, the Crusades tradition of the equality between the Crusaders and the Caliphate, the reform of Islam to avoid taxation as food for labor at expense of starvation; Hezbollah, the soldiers of the Lebanese in Beirut, the rejection of the stereotype of homosexual or deformed as the intelligent, instead the encouragement of seeking ambition

Turkmen Sous Chefs

 Turkmenistan, is a man with a delicate nose, always in psychosis from having grasped a recipe as a child, a unique family contribution to the lexicon of things.  Never a Jew, or a subdivision thereof (such as an Ethiopian-Jew, an Arab).  They know any recipe to please you, but should you alter a single element, a disaster comes.  They are immortal, the legendary "Sex on the Beach", a family tradition of accoutrements, from their adventures.  All culinary classics stolen and traded, all mixed drink recipes and cocktails declared "gay" (this is for a married man), and even the luxury set (a new product made famous), are from Merv, the Sunken City. It is the way of the "Jedi", an old Cirtric word for "faith", the term of trying a product, and liking it.  Some people call it "Darth Vader", others call it "The Batman", and more call it "Joe Jitsu" of Ace Comics and Dick Tracy; whatever it is, you have to trust it, to get