Killing Is Easy (And the Money Isn't Good)

 Playwright Assassins: The enemy will use a stage, and a penny dreadful, and you have to see what lower stage you can lure their scout into, to attack you, while you use a novel of predicated form and commit, to move out with a schlocker, a shanty stage. 

Batman 1989, trapped in Death Race 2000, played through The Killing Joke against Moonraker backwards as Hugo Drax. 

Patent Thieves: You hit a display shelf, of Yiddish manufacture texts, knowing the localities of name and why it can’t be sold, stealing from a mnemonic inspiration, to trademark your child’s title from a prototype for market, and then sell the trademarked manual, at original name, in a different region. 

Caligula as the concept of a gaming theory and strategem simulation, in Protestant bounds where legal to inference, then sold as a firebase concept through the ‘Judas Factor’, an expulsionary rule present now in the FBI penmanship program.

Grendel Forges: You take a man trying to cheat your contract on a guarantee payment to end of debt, and place a game into play, with real consequences, so if they try to cheat the contract, they’ve already played a familiar game, but with themselves as the hero, so you know they blew it on you.

Will Morgan, a Dungeon Master, drawn into a game of real bound, preventing his writing contract from stealing the face of self in Hopkinton bibliography write-ups, at mortal peril to other.

Amish Fouls: You’ve made an error on your work to peace, so now you are a contracted assassin with an urban cop as your contact, to bring you out in serve of a high representative of a monarch, paid for with a child or wife, of the blood they were attached to.

Mission for Steve-O, MI-6 sociology don undercover in Van Meter as a veterinary scientist, on steal of IRA mob hitman program and drop to MI-5, through Janine Swanson’s files (hacked), replacing Superman, Friedrich Engels, with Bickford Schmeckler’s Cool Idea(s), small business real estate theft from special education tutor advice (stolen).

Conquistador Inquisitors: You save a child, by taking away their mother, or you save a warrior, by bonding them into a wife. The level of incarceration, breaks a rule of the common people, each level higher they were to their equivalent, in your government, but theirs, and you educate them, on their own systems, but as you see it, to break them in rivalry to their form, keeping them as special soldiers throughout their lines. 

Manipulation of Wing Commander: Red Horizon on behalf of “Derek”, theme wizard and M3 alum from Duo’s reign. Manipulation into Thrakhath, judges, Tivadar Delgard, Union middle command infantry, and Confederation admiral/headwiz, into loss of Kilrathi cruiser from Thrakhath and his friends on bridge observing an order refused from self, Thrakhath played through theme, instead of the Kilrathi fachead using his pet cat to inspire his writing. Spartacus’ uprising duplicated, with gladiators crushed and separated. 

Shadow Sinisters: You have a wife, on the other side of the law, and you’re a criminal, working the snakes, the dirty cops, to take away their witchblade used for secret society, and place it in open view of the people, by inducing an act of brutality against the snake informant, and causing a riot, a hell’s gate.

Acquisition of British Thugee espionage set from Taunton Behavioral Clinic through Hindu guru doctor emeritus and Natick Labs research scientist, through a backwards campus administration run through General Eisenhower’s first year at West Point, however rigged to be the Battle of Marathon as runner. Acquired the heterosexual version, then transmuted through into Theraveda instead of Hare Krishna with proper chemical mixture. Zeus Gypsies, acquired the measure and method, and transmitted them to Sandinista Bolivrans in Brazil and Latin America, for FARC. 

Double Zeros: You have a literature form of art, that you play a running game with, in a production company not your own, and placed against your enemy, to split the production company printing you in art, with the placement of your alleged operating aegis. Therefore, each run, you will have a unique theory of method, based on your hire’s worst fantasy. 

Breach of Ben Brown and Sandra MacDonald’s game systems through H&V in 1999-00, to ArmageddonMUD, the Babylon theme, not the modern version. Acquisition of IDF/MI-6 contract, then arranging five dummy agents through pranks, before reporting self as incapacitated on M3. Each dummy agent, was prepped with a women’s form of a Likud Israeli concept, allowing the funding and downfall of the films through five unions, with the dummies taking form as each villain, on behalf of their hiring party in the unions (as the Jethro Tull baseline to Aqualung), allowing the pass to Elmer of the Arkham code files to undo the Batman police program of villain counter-espionage, on behalf of the Fenian Brotherhood. Batman theme seized, as the new Fenian run method.

Negro Ballclubs: You manage a business related to a traditional game of African logic, come to America and displaying itself inside a piece of Americana; your only code, is that stealing is allowed if planning for their future, not for a woman, therefore you develop an accounts business regimen, on demand, where if you aren’t paid, you have to be reimbursed with a wife.

Drop of Wolfram and Hart, through B+A MUCK character Quinton Sabbatique, into PAX affiliates for game and film, then the drop of the universal religion, Babel, to Freemasons.

Union Jacks: You perform five drops into a contribution to your highschool education or the similar, before moving to a false flag of allegiance, and hunting them from mercenary ports of prior affiliation. You have three positions, and a relationship with your father, replaced by your wife, and there’s a moving motion to a downward stance, an act of combat, or moving across the downward stance, to the other two sides, in a wheel, with an open side, your empty space, turned around from your hand as a dubloon, your washer’s coin. 

Five poker card drops through Bond film trailers, to be shut off by Catholic Church upon airing of film, all related to counter-CIA measures enacted by Canadian Mounted Patrol. 1) Rename the table, Le Chiffre. 2) Reference the table, Mr. White. 3) Reference a trigger, Raoul Silva. 4) Reference the player’s skill, Ernst Stavro Blofeld. 5) Reference the player between theological and fictional concept, Safin Lucypher. End placement position, state police informant, false watering hole, actually hunting state police psychologists.

Wiccan Sorcerors: You work with the police and the spies, but two different countries, so you are unaware whom you are working for. Your goal, is to place a gay man, inside a military unit, that wants a suicide soldier, teaching them that a suicidal warrior, is homosexual, so the unit collapses, and your homosexual candidate, takes over the prison system. Magicians design prisons, and you’re turning a man, into a skeleton key, for gay men. 

Placement of Ivan Boris Tomasic, a homosexual from bribed abuse through father, and his own ordered abuse of his mother, inside the Mossad as a Homeland Security spy, investigating FARC for medicinal usages of cocaine. Mossad believes he’s the Scarecrow, a Supersoldier Overman, his view of the CIA (actually a highschool dropout with a spectacular gymnastics record, and either a lesbian sociopath, or a man that attracts them sexually). 

Rice Men: You work rice for a living, for French patriotism, the root of which is identifying an evil woman, and allowing her to rape you. The son, therefore, guises himself out through the evil mother with another father chosen for him, and becomes a police vigilante, consuming himself in a pyre as he discovers the roadwork that’s inside her inner world, undoing it by labeling the conspiracy maligning your father by her hand, as your own code. 

Cameron Warren, son with Christine Warren, assisted his mother in faking her death, and moving back to Ohio, to work the Ohio Resource Authority from the inside, writer’s father’s natural enemy (father was Camp Perry trained, counter-intelligence national security anti-labor source), and Ohio is unionized labor actor slave draft, anti-American pro-Israeli.

Swiss Penguins: Authors and petty literature men, your job is to find rare books, always applicable to an enemy’s code, misused or otherwise, and place them in dossier sets to the right people, as exchange book racks, out of your publishing companies and publicists. Each set of books, needs a particular rumor, as a warning, inherent in the individual giving them out, hence there will be a signal that your operation has gone off.

 Utilization of Denny O’Neill’s writing formula, in “How to Write for DC Comics”, to piece apart Shakespeare and apply it to marketing math, to catch a dirty professor at SNHU causing car accidents for NFL fans at stadiums that don’t support Donald Trump. A line segment, for a Buddhist that’s lost their virginity, can be applied to Shakespeare’s selection between Trinities, the Peasant Groundling and the Noble Mercantile, to cause a contradiction in calculus sigma proof between work necessities, for a single calculation of the divided to remove a systems failure in projection over time, hence one can divide by zero safely.

Bounty Guild: You have a name lost to history because of a grander man, and you now take a long distance dispatch contract, before a hard fall into confinement in an enemy unit working guts and bullets, you plant a reference to your own kind, and then you plant a proof of life, before going down as a poster representing your original unit.

Name taken by famous 9/11 victim, co-pilot in the crash into the Pentagon, the writer met the acquaintance of a woman stealing the identity of Sewa@M3, an INTERPOL/NYPD in the Homicide Law Review, an anti-media panel opposing use of media and popular commons in courts and law and law enforcement. Marco Rubio, a police badge since his days in highschool, was using camera photography, from the Lincoln Memorial, to blackmail leaders into giving concessions and money to Florida, for global warming rehousing. They were getting high, on marijuana, a political ritual in America since prior to the Declaration of Independence, among Americans. The Mossad unit infiltration through superhero games, a year later, before graduation in highschool, allowed the plant of “Hideous Karl”, Heath Ledger’s Joker, by taking the self, inverting it, claiming credit for a crime innocent of, then combining with an individual with a different skull shape, causing a new Latino ritual after a circle haze, the birth of Latino cosplaying (not Native, Natives don’t ring haze). Once you ring haze, you have to do a gang bust, until this ritual – now, you have to cosplay, instead of be a police vigilante. Proof of life was submitted to United Heroes, through a Batman based on John F. Kennedy Sr., with his ghost written book, Profiles in Courage, offered as being written by Richard Nixon, during the 1940s, so John F. Kennedy wouldn’t have a psychopathic breakdown.

Federal Marshalls: You are against gun ownership by anyone other than the civic government, especially missionary arts, so you need to post a bail warden on a hop that never happened before arrest, post the fee collected by your marshall and pay off your tipster, and then the marshall takes the shot, reverses the nock, and puts it out on their leg, crippling your gunslinger. 

Strip of Matthew Lennox’s Sunni Hebrides Islam for MI-6 and the IDF, after being hazed; refused to eat, drank Schnapps until asleep without eating, drank citrus orange juice and ate bacon the next day for breakfast, completed class, then went to Matthew Lennox’s dorm room in Webster, 7th floor, not dead, and performed a disarm strip of Islam, with a “fag”, an indication of neural damage linking men, and “white goys”, an indication of Caucasian non-Hebrew status, in Hebrew terms, to a colorblind Muslim imam, making him an Ayatollah of Iran.

Named Parties HIt (In Respective Order of Prior Stated):

NORML Dutch Intelligence, Hillary Clinton, Will Morgan, Brian Monaghan, Thrakhath Caxki, Tividar Delgard, Natick Labs Behavioral Science, Harvey Weinstein, George Soros, Jair Bonosorno, Barack Obama, Duane “Dogg” Chapman, DC Comics “Batman” Property, Sony Games, Royal Canadian Mounted Patrol, Mossad International Monetary Fund, Ohio Resource Authority, Banking Security Encrypted Mathematics, Marco Rubio, Matthew John Scott Lennox.


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