
Showing posts from May, 2023

Espionage Handbook (Wampanoag Hockomock)

Cheat: Place a "vig", as a bookie, a sign someone's cheating; you arrange, a special privilege, for both of you, instead of payment to play. Election: You place a Farsi-Kurdish term, into public repute, to invert a Hebrew term, to cause a homosexual legal complex, for an enemy politician. Actor Model: You volunteer for EON Entertainment, to the financier of the studio to lose, as SPECTRE; anyone supporting a 007 piece, the IRA placed as the MI-6, impossible; Jewish pension child theft labor, and anti-rape forces to protect prisoners from convicts. All enemies, are therefore netted together, and die, due to the disrupted peace process between Sinn Fein, British liquors, and Special Executive, the Dean's office of a campus communist cable to Britain. Sabotage: You place a set of sabotage documents, to take down the holder of the databank, and separately print a stolen property, on open review, modeled after townspeople as gay, with a single foe, as a gay character, reve

Sniper Career (Bear)

Attorney: Pre-Med Criminal Justice, with knife training. Lawyer: Secondary Program, without knife training, medicine. Lawyers Notched (Pre-Law History): KRIM:  Michael Fargnoli (Unitarian Huguenot): Desire to frame self as Sicilian-Jewish, to frame others as Charles Manson; criminal derangement disorder, Siamese-Muslim, founder of Jewish faith.  Charles Winston (British Recording Studios): Desire to treat others as diarrhea basin, when imbibed on marijuana, before going on stage, Mick Jagger.  Jack Winston (Trump Foundation): Desire to disable others into mythos of Greys, through Van Gogh's disorder, witness of Irish communist unions as state police and municipal firefighters, lack of independence for family when cooking.   Jessica Long (INTERPOL): Ernst Rohm, using Holocaust history, to pose as prostitute, "goth", fascist German, to indict drug users, through cocaine users, to begin National Socialist rebellion against liberals.  Luke Charon (Pink Panthers): Desire to ra

UMass-Amherst Pre-Law (Private Investigator)

How the United States Handles Private Investigators (Pre-Law):  Besides Steve Charlebois (parochial dive and rig, took down Charles Manson) and Alice Charlebois (Framingham State English literature, military utility, took down Marshall Applewhite), I'm also a pre-law (UMass-Amherst Arab history, takes down Jewish-Arabist converts that use ECT). It's a scrupulously difficult to get into; you need someone, in your region, marking you pre-law, as a lawyer, too young to go to college, and you have to declare pre-law, privately, outside of any campus attendants (physical plant, mental health services, dormitory custodial, job references, campus police, off-campus boundary sheriff's deputy).  At this point, you're placed in a briefing, with an "internist", a special class of mental health services, the cover being a "rehabilitation"; in fact, you have to be a law abiding citizen (no modus operandi, you've never performed a writing exercise for rape